Chapter OcHo

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I walked through a target, trying to find the skirt I wanted to wear. I walked through the food isles, not knowing where the clothing isles where. I looked around me. There here many herbs laid out on the shelves in the isle. I realized they where quite low on a couple herbs, probably because everyone bought them out over Christmas break.

I realized there was only one box of thyme left. Haha, there running out of thyme. I thought to myself as I continued down the isle. I finally found the skirts area, and picked through the options. Which there was very little of. I guessed that this target, only being a couple blocks away from Johns school, made it the go-to place for skirts for the protest.

I found one with the Bi colors on it, just to show a little pride while I'm at it. I grabbed the skirt and checked it out at the counter.

"Your almost the fiftieth young boy buying a skirt these past few days," The item check person said.

"Yeah, a protest," I explained.

"I see," They said, giving me a smile. "Have a good time."

"Of course," I  smiled.

"Wait a second, I recognize you," They person stared at me. "Oh! You're the waiter at Crave that got fired."

"How do you know that?" I asked in shock.

"Everyone knows it. The Crave got a great review because of you, the critic mentioned your name three times and made sure to say how terrible the manager was," They replied.

"Wow," I said.

"I hope you found a new job. If you haven't, I heard Crave wants you back desperately. They fired the manager after they realized you where the person that got them such a great review, they say they've been looking everywhere for you. You are quite well known now, some might even call you famous," The person said.

"Yeah, too late, I have a much better job now," I smiled. "That's quite interesting though."

"Nice meeting you," They said as I walked away with my skirt.

Wow. That was really interesting. Too bad I had a much better job now, that was fun along with good pay. Sucks for them. I walked outside the store and called an Uber to pick me up. I was dropped off in front of a huge school later that day. The sun was about to set by the time I hoped out of the car.

I walked down the sidewalk towards the massive doors of the expensive looking school.

"Alexander!" I heard someone shout.

I squinted through the darkness to see John sprinting at me. I smiled. This person made me so happy, even though we barely know each other. He ran up to my and then hugged me. He let go to end the short hug, and looked into my eyes excitedly.

"Its good to see you again," I smiled at him.

"Yeah," He smiled back at me.

I don;t know why it feels so great to be back. Its like we've known each other our whole lives or something. We must have just somehow clicked together.

"You can sleep in dorm tonight," John said.

"Perfect," I smiled.

He led me up to the large doors of the school. I followed him inside. Dang this place looked expensive. The hallways where almost empty. The only person I saw was some really tall kid, compared to me anyway, with a large poofy Afro wearing a school uniform. Although, they had this ugly magenta jacket over the uniform. Nobody looks good in magenta.

As we approached him John kept his head low, and walked quicker. As we where just about to walk right past him, he said something.

"Hey, John, why don't you introduce me to your friend?" He asked.

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