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O.M.G what am i gonna do?! What if he didn't agree ?! I am gonna lose to those idiots!


"Let's play a game! Which is dare"
zhihong said that make me frown.

"Is that truth or dare?"i ask him and he laugh.

"Yes! But truth it's easy let's make it hard! I called it dare and bet"he said making me , junlin, cheng xin, jingyuan , jiaqi frown.

"Dare with bet? Why did you made that?"cheng xin ask zhihong and zhihong smirk.

"To make the dare harder for everyone! So i am gonna bet 100¥" he said making me choke that's a lot why is he betting so high?!

"Fine! Each one of us have to write a dare and raffle it"jiaqi said and everyone nod i sigh.

"I'm out of that stupid game of yours"
I said making them whine.

"Come on yuan! Just once it's not bad"
Junlin said as the other also convinced me i sigh annoyingly.

"Fine!"i said and all of them cheer so the six of us wrote a dare in a piece of paper and i write is "Say to your partner i have mistress" yeahhh i am bad after we finish writing we put it in a small box and all of us shake it to make sure there is no cheating after we shake we pick one by one as i got mine. I open it and my eyes widen WTF!!!!!!!!!!!

"F**k your partner"

That writen on my paper no one should know about our dare until we got our proof in our dare.

"So! This a the bet was 600¥ the person who one made it first is the winner no share winners! The one that gonna hold the money is qianxi!" Zhihong said and called his boyfriend yep! His boyfriend as he tell to his boyfriend what stupid gane he made qianxi just sigh and nod hiding our money as we already say goodbye to each other as i walk home still thinking about the dare if i am gonna do it or not... but that money was a lot. And also.... that dare make me think... can i be a top?


So i am now here at sofa waiting for my boyfriend to comeback home he is already graduated and having a work from his father company.... i was in deep though when i heard a click on the door.

"I'm home"that deep voice i love hearing it everyday.

"Welcome home"i said softly and he hug him as he hug me back sniffing me.

"Did my baby already made our dinner? Or can you be my dinner?"he said while whispering to my ear and it tickles me as i pinch his tummy he winced while laughing i pout as he hug me and make our forehead touch.

"I already did... go wash and change and I'll set the table"i said and just nod and kiss me as he walk upstairs while setting up the table i was thinking what am i gonna do? Would i do that dare or not?


Yuan didn't realize junkai was behind him and junkai frown.

"Hey why are you spacing out?"junkai ask yuan as yuan flinch.

"Nothing let's just eat"yuan as yuan said and sit he kinda shaking a little and junkai frown he know there's something wrong about yuan so he sit down as they eat quietly which is new to junkai usually yuan will tell something about his day.

KarRoy [One-Shot] #GCA2019XWhere stories live. Discover now