Chapter 36- Rifles, Tony and Brother-Talks

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^^Princess Fiona and Patrick

Okay, this one is ... Very long. Not gonna say more. Enjoy!

Listen to 'August' by Taylor Swift.


After Hunter dropped the bomb news on us-rather me as it was none of surprise for Ryan, there was the thickest silence I have ever encountered between us. Hunter saw my shocked and revolted face, Ryan's closed eyes and hardened jaw and thought it was smarter to just leave us alone.

Smart choice or I am sure he would see his grave in a matter of seconds.

I couldn't speak a word as Ryan waited for me to say anything. But I just couldn't open my mouth. I was too numb to even look at anything except Ryan's desk , specifically, finding any small dirty spot on the desk and focus on it but I couldn't find any.

His office was literally spotless.

After I failed in finding any defect, I turned my attention towards my thoughts which I was dreaded to dwell on.

So here is the thing.
We will make it as simple as we can. Okay?

Ryan is a mafia killer. Check.
But no biggie. I already knew this. Or not.

He kills people, more like orders to kill people to his men but that indirectly puts blood on his hands. He slaughters them like little stuffed animal beheading them or cutting their arms of, or poking their eyes out if he does not get what he needs. To say atleast, he takes a life out of a living body just for his needs. And that is the most disgusting and impossible thing I have ever heard in my life.

How the hell could he do this? I hate violence. Not just hate but loathe. When I was small, if I committed any mistake, my dad would always slap and hit me. That hurted the most. Not physically but emotionally because I never felt the pain of their hits, but the wrong hatred they had for their own daughter.

Since then, I have always resolved to non violence. You may not be surprised if people started chanting my name along with Gandhi.

Ryan knows how much I hate it.

And his whole life is just violent and claustrophobic for me, it feels like the walls are closing on me and I find it harder to breathe every time a new secret is open.

Firstly, I get to know that Ryan is involved in mafia, and he is mafia boss.

Then, his father is possibly alive, that is how I would like to frame the situation seeing the file.

And now, this shit. Wow. No wonder my life is no better than a French soap opera.

I love my life so much. Period.

I thought about all the storms blowing in my head and one thing is for sure- when I agreed to have a fresh start with my dear ex boyfriend, it sure as hell was not as easy as I thought because I thought it was not scary.

But its far from it. Miles apart.

I heard someone clear their throat and it snapped me out of my reverie. Ryan looked at me with concentration and contemplating whether to talk to me Or not.

But I could not utter a word from my mouth. Not even a single letter. My mind was struck and the chords in my throat dared not move because the feeling was too overwhelming. I closed my eyes to try to digest this information but all of it was not edible at all.

Eventually, after a long silence when Ryan decided that I am not going to say anything, he came closer and said in a very low voice.

" I can explain. " That's all he said as if trying to make amendment and justifying his reckless actions.

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