Parents Evening

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The first half of term flies by and Taehyung hasn't been able to do much more than share shy waves and smiles when he happens to catch Jungkook's eye at drop off and pick up times. The kids were all excited as it was the last day of school before they have a week break for half term and to enjoy halloween. By the time the bell rings Taehyung is exhausted, he sighs in relief before putting on a signature box smile and dismissing his class.

"Have fun on your half term break children and don't eat too much candy on halloween night, you might give yourselves a bellyache!" He waves them all off before flopping back down in his chair, as much as he adores his class he's thankful for the breaks.

"I see you're just as tired as I am." Jimin says with a laugh as he enters the others classroom.

"Why do they always have more energy on the day before their breaks? I am exhausted! I don't think I have enough energy to speak to all their parents later." Taehyung buries his head in his hands as he sighs, trying his hardest not to fall asleep on the spot.

"You mean you don't have enough energy to spend a whole 15 minutes alone with Jungkook?" Jimin playfully wiggles his eyebrows.

Taehyung's head shoots up immediately, he completely forgot that one of the parents he would be seeing tonight just so happened to be the man he's been dying to talk to for longer than 5 minutes for an entire month and a half. "We'll be talking about Asami the entire time though, I can't exactly get to know him better." He sighs in realisation, still slightly happy he'll be at least alone with him for the duration of the talk.

"You can woo him with your enthusiasm about his daughter though! He's looking for someone that can be a good coparent to his child, right? Show him that you can be that man."

Taehyung seems to brighten up with Jimin's pep talk, feeling more confident about the encounter. "Yeah, ok, I can do that. Just promise me one thing?"

"What's that?" Jimin asks with confusion.

"Never say 'woo' again, you're 25 not 80." Taehyung laughs earning a slap on his arm from his very annoyed best friend.

"Last time I ever try and give your ass a pep talk." The elder huffs as he makes his way towards the door.

"No Mildred, do not leave me! I thought we would have some tea and discuss strategies on wooing my sweetheart." Taehyung cries out.

Jimin gives him the middle finger before heading back to his own classroom, leaving Taehyung in fits of laughter at his desk.

Jungkook fusses over his hair for the nth time that evening wondering why he's trying so hard. Sure he finds his daughter's teacher attractive but does he need to go through this much effort for a parent's evening? They're just going to discuss how Asami is progressing not go out for their first date. He sighs as he exits his bedroom, seeing his mom in the kitchen cooking some mouth watering food.

"God i'm so pissed I have to leave before eating, that smells so amazing." Jungkook practically drools as he speaks.

"I'll make sure to put some in a container, you can heat it up when you come home sweetie." His mom says as she gives him a light kiss on the cheek. "Now get going, you don't want to be late. Everything will be fine here."

"Thanks mom, i'll see you later." Jungkook smiles as he leaves the kitchen, he heads towards the living room finding his daughter huddled under a blanket on the sofa watching Finding Nemo with wide eyes.

"Daddy's going to your school pancake so Grannie is in charge, be a good girl for her."

"I'm always good!" Asami huffs.

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