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"(Y/N)!" Sanji smiled brightly at you the moment you entered the kitchen. He was a little bit of a kiss ass with women, but you were his friend, so he managed to tone it down a little bit. "You look like life hasn't treated you very nicely..." He said examining the bags at your eyes and your tired look.

"You don't say?" You asked sarcastically.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I meant you look tired that's all." He gave you an apologetic look.

"How have you been doing?" You smiled at him with a gentle expression. It was always refreshing to talk to Sanji inside work, he was the only worker that treated you nicely, so you weren't going to stay mad at him just for a tiny little slip up.


"(Y/N)." Roared Zeff.

"Yes?" You asked groaning internally, already exhausted from a day that hadn't even started.

"Didn't I tell you to arrive here ten minutes earlier to open and turn on everything?"

No. You fucking did not.

"I don't recall-"

"From now on I want you here at least thirty minutes early every day. You're a chef, not a cook, act like it."

"Yes chef." You replied with a fake smile since, in reality, you were just about ready to scratch his eyes out.

"To work!" He yelled to everyone. It had become a habit for everyone to stare and enjoy your embarrassment whenever Zeff stopped his work to scold you. You were beginning to hate his guts, but, knowing that this was a place where you spent most of your time and where you provided for yourself, you decided to calm down and follow his instructions, even if some of them never even came.

Your shift went by with nothing happening out of normal until someone burnt, yet again, another meal.

"(Y/N)?!" Growled your oh so lovely boss.

"What?" You snapped at him, but god how you regretted your attitude. Zeff didn't like snappy workers, he basically wanted slaves that feared him, but, in your defense, you had had a rough fight yesterday and were exhausted. Exhausted of this job and exhausted of Zeff's bullshit.

"That's enough. Out of my kitchen."


"Out. Now."

"Zeff, I didn't even bu-"

"You got your ass fired (Y/N). Leave and don't make a show out of this."

Excuse me?!

Not having anything else to say to your now not so much asshole boss, you picked up your stuff from your locker and left. Hopping into your car, you felt tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.

Here I go.

You hit your head against the steering wheel, things sucked right now. The little pieces of family you had left now hated you for not being able to quit this sucky job, from which you had just been fired anyways. They were going to think you were an idiot.

Soon, the anxiety began to get to you. What were you going to do? You had searched for two years for a job that would pay at least similarly as well as this one, but there were none. In your whole town it had been impossible to find a place that would accept you as a chef, they were only looking for cooks.

Your chest tightened and your throat closed up with the idea of being unemployed. It had been years since you hadn't had the economical security of a monthly paycheck, so you didn't know how to deal with this. All of the money you had saved up was meant for your restaurant, and you couldn't manage to get the guts to begin the journey as a restaurant owner.

Old Neighbor (Donquixote Rosinante x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now