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Your body froze in place as you felt a cold metallic object be pressed against your right temple. The man had you at gunpoint, and you couldn't do anything to save yourself. You were weak, both physically and mentally. The fear for your life had paralyzed you, breath uneven and forceful as your throat had closed up from the stress of the situation.

You stayed quiet and still, hoping for the man to simply be searching for money and to leave you alone.

"So this is the girl Corazon has been fucking." A very nasal voice spoke behind you. "I sure could use some of your services." He laughed disgustingly as his sticky hand crept down your stomach and hovered on top of your most intimate areas.

"Don't touch her." Said another voice, coming from your bedroom.

You were still frozen in place.

"The young master told us it was just a warning." The other man grumbled, finally leaving your bedroom with a much too familiar bag. It was your cash. Your eyes widened in shock, tears finally dropping from your glossy eyes and beginning to stream down your face as you saw your dreams being shattered by who seemed to be two robbers. They were taking all of your inheritance away.

Feeling rage take over you, you tried to yell at them to leave, muffled grunts and screams leaving your form as the man still had his sticky hand on top of your face, covering your mouth.

"Have something to say gorgeous?" You could feel the man smirking against your back as he pressed the gun tighter against your temple, chuckling sickly at your whimpering form.

"Look, we're here simply to deliver a message." Said the other man. "Stay away from Rosinante. And don't ever go back into that venue. It's not available." He grunted, shooting you a disgusted glare.

"You can't take her money, idiot. Remember what the young master said." Said the man that had your back pressed against him, giving his partner a glare. "Just leave the letter and we can go. The young master said no stealing, remember?"

What does he mean remember? What does he mean they can't steal?

"(Y/N)! I know you said to pop by by lunch but..." Both men froze as they heard Rosinante's voice approaching your apartment, but he was quick to react. His whole life he had been trained to treat and work in situations like this, so it came naturally to him.

"Let her go." He ordered as he took a gun he had hid in his pants, pointing at the man behind you. You closed your eyes tightly shut. In your entire life you had never been in a situation of stress like this, and your heart was going crazy. You felt terrible, this men had come here to tell you not to mess with who you were sure was the love of your life and were about to steal everything from you. Your dream was vanishing.

"Look, we didn't come here for any confro-"

"Let her go right now." He yelled. Seeing you in such a vulnerable position shattered his heart, but he knew he could protect you. He wasn't scared of shooting them. He would do anything for you.

"Let her go, Trébol." Chuckled the other man, waving the bag of cash around as if it weighed barely some grams.

"Alright." He grunted, gun still firmly pressed against your skin. "But first I just wanted to try something~"

Rosi looked at him angrily, wanting the man to get his disgusting hands away from you. He wanted you to go back to him, to safety. Luckily for Rosinante, Diamante didn't have a gun, so there wasn't much danger there. They clearly had come to scare you away, and he was afraid they had actually achieved their purpose and you would want to break up with him the moment the men left.

Old Neighbor (Donquixote Rosinante x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now