The Wait

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Then another day passed by. Then another, and so on until you had been in a coma for the total of four days. Rosinante didn't leave your side for the first two, but he had to go back home at some point. Law was all alone and scared, so he went every morning and night to check on his son and spent the rest of the day sitting by your hospital bed. His skin had lost color and he had already lost a couple of kilograms. He starved himself daily and would only stay with you, worried for your sake.

By the third day, police finally allowed visits. The first ones to come were your three brothers. They had heard the police reports about a civil being shot by the criminal three times and couldn't do anything about it. They regretted letting you go on your own, but now they couldn't do anything.

Then, Law was finally brought over. Rosinante didn't want to make him see you in this state. It could traumatize him seeing your fragile body laying limply, almost lifeless, in a hospital bed, but Law had been strong. He had begged for Rosinante to let him see you and stomped his way into the hospital. He kissed your cheeks and grabbed onto you with his little hands, tears silently streaming down his face as he saw you in such a weak and fragile state. Law wasn't dumb, he knew exactly what was going on. You were still battling between life and death.

Now, the fourth day, Rosinante was settled down in his chair and had your hand in his own. He could no longer cry. He felt dry. He felt angry. He felt empty. He thought that once everything was over he'd give you your venue back. He wanted to help you build your restaurant and begin with your business. He planned on staying with you for a long time and someday even marrying you.

But you were gone. You still hadn't reacted to anyone. Your heartbeat was overall stabilized, although sometimes it would drop slower. When it did, doctors would scatter inside and push Rosinante out, making whatever it was in their hands to save you and stabilize your heartbeat once more. He was beginning to lose faith. As days went by your condition worsened. As the days went by doctors had to come over more and more often. As the days went by, he began to accept you may not wake up at all. And it was all his fault.

"(Y/N)." He said between gritted teeth. His heart hadn't stopped hurting this whole while and it was driving him crazy. He had fallen in a dark spiral and couldn't get out. It felt awful, and he needed to stay strong for his little son, but he simply couldn't. It was as if he was reliving the loss of his father. Once again in the hands of his trash of a brother. He hated him so much. He should've shot him the moment he got a chance. He felt so stupid.

A couple of hours in, your heartbeat dropped again, but, this time, it wasn't like before. Your body began shaking in bed, shocking Rosi and scaring him to death. He heard soft whimpers come from your lips and it broke his heart. You were in pain.

"(Y/N)!" He said, grabbing your shoulders and nuzzling against your face to try and get you to calm down, but, of course, nothing happened. You shook violently as the whimpers that left your lips began to gain volume, doctors finally arriving to take care of you. Rosinante felt his eyes welling up, feeling like this was it. Maybe you wouldn't make it out of this one. All the signs had pointed to that. His chest hurt deeply, his legs felt like jelly as he fell onto a chair in the waiting room. He covered his face with his hands in frustration of not being able to do anything to save you. He wanted you to be ok. He wanted to see your smile and to cuddle with you in bed the way you used to.

He could hear the doctors from the inside of your room yelling in their impossible to understand doctor language, talking about your heart and convulsions. Two hours he waited for you to be stable, but he was glad. He had thought you wouldn't be alright after this, but your body was stubborn. You were still alive.

"Donquixote?" Asked the doctor as he rushed from your little room into the waiting area.

"Yes?" Answered Rosinante with a raspy exhausted voice. He had barely even had any water today.

Old Neighbor (Donquixote Rosinante x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now