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Clarence watched the scene unfold as the woman took her baby into the little cottage. She spends time talking to her and playing with her with lots of cuddles and kisses. The girl's mother reads to her and plays music dancing with her and helps her learn. She smiles and laughs watching her daughter grow, she cheers and claps when she crawls, and walks, and speaks for the first time. She spends time teaching her everything the child is constantly asking questions and she never loses patience.

One day while they are out shopping the line is being held up by a woman who can not pay for all her items. The people in the store are starting to get annoyed and telling the woman to get on with it, being mean and cruel. The beautiful dark haired woman walks to the front carrying her daughter.

"Now there is no need for this, one moment please. How much are you short hunni?"

The woman now in tears is looking at her and waiting for the insult but when it doesn't come she is stunned into silence. The attendant tells her that the woman is short $15 without missing a beat. She opens her purse and pulls out the money handing it over.

"I can't accept that, my husband passed and the bank has frozen our assets, I have money, I just cant access it all I can't take money from you and your child. I am just trying to work out what I can do without right now, please it is ok if I can just think I can work it out."

Kieran smiled and placed a hand on the woman's shoulder. Her heart tightened for the poor woman .

"My name is Kieran, this is my daughter Lena and I would never be able to decide what she doesn't need from what are essential, being a single mom is not easy and I can make it a little easier for you today, so please just accept the money, I want nothing in return"

The woman thanked her and hugged her tears running down her face as she collected the groceries, asking to have a number or some way of contacting her to pay it back, Keiran had just smiled and shaken her head, reminding her she wanted nothing in return. Lena asked questions all of which were answered by Kieran, who finished with a closing statement, loud enough for the others in the line to hear.

"Whenever it is possible to help another in need you take the chance, because one day you may rely on the kindness of strangers."

Lena smiled at her mom. They finally left the store after paying for their own groceries and returned home. Clarence continued to watch as Lena would play and listen to her mom singing and playing the piano. She was clever, reading early which generated more questions, a particular interest in science. She wanted to know how everything worked, she would often take things apart to see inside. Although they were not alway fixable, Kieran never complains about her daughters' curiosity. She was polite and kind, she listened and did as she was told, there was no need to shout at her. She never received so much as a smacked hand.

As Lena turned three her grandmother got sick and her and her mother went to care for her. She had cancer and lena watched as her mother tended to her. Still managing to find time to play with Lena and make sure she was loved. When her grandmother passed away her mother was very sad and Lena tried to cheer her up, singing and dancing, reading and inviting her to games and cooking tea parties anything to keep her mother occupied.

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