Angel 2nd class

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Lena looked at the man, she had no idea who he was or why he was jumping but she had managed to get him somewhere dry, it wasn't warm and they were wet but at least he was out of the water. She looked around at the building there was nothing there that would help but he was alive.

"What's your name, do you have anyone that we can contact to help you?"

Clarence looked at Lena and smiled brightly, he was right when he jumped he knew that Lena would save him which meant he had saved her.

"I was here to help you, well I still might be, if that was everything I would have been called back by now. Um, well I guess you are still not happy enough, so I need to stay, well my name is Clarence and I am an angel second class, I was sent down to stop you throwing away your life."

Lena looked at the man, he looked to be in his sixties she thought but he was clearly not a well man, maybe she could get the car and take him to the hospital. She smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah ok Clarence, where are your wings?"

Shaking his head he chuckled.

"That's where you come in Lena, by helping you I will earn them and then I will be an angel first class, you see that I need to help you so that I can earn my wings, I have tried a few times but haven't done quite enough but I am sure saving you will earn me my wings"

"I think that maybe you need a little help Clarence, I jumped in to make sure you were alright, I think I should take you to the hospital. Get you checked over and make sure that you are alright get you some dry clothes."

Clarence chuckled and placed his hand on Lena's and shook his head lightly, he knew well enough that Lena had faith in science, not God, that she was someone who believed in everything that she could touch, see, or understand faith was not something that could be quantified.

"Lena I don't need to go to the hospital, and I don't need to get any help, I have seen what happened today and well for your whole life, you have a good heart and you have good intentions, but you have had a difficult life, there have been a lot of loss and a lot of pain, but your life is worth holding on to, you have had such a impact on people around you and you have no idea how much"

Lena raised her brow, she hadn't told the man her name, she was sure that she hadn't. Lena retrieved her hand from the man and pulled back a little looking at him, her head throbbed and she placed her hand on it. It hurt, she needed to get to the penthouse and shower change and then take something that would help with the throbbing.

"Maybe we should take you to the hospital Lena, you are still bleeding, and the cut looks bad."

"This, oh don't worry Clarence, as much as it hurts it just a reminder of what happens when a Luthor tries to pray, dodging the punch that was the answer to said prayer I hit my head."

Clarence tilted his head and let out a little chuckle again.

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