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Clarence watches and smiles as Lena heads out to see her friend, getting away from the city, Andrea's father is having a hard time but Lena managed to convince her to go on a trip with her. In search of a secret coin that her mother had told her about. Lena's smile returning for the first time in quite a while. He is glad that the loss of her partner and the betrayal of Lex had not taken away the sweet girl she was.

"Come on Andrea, I need this, I need to be reminded that there is something out there that ties me to my mother still, that something in my life was real. In a month or so I have to testify and put Lex away, the last person I thought actually loved me, he just kidnapped me and tried to turn the sun red."

"Alright Lena, I get it, I do, you gave up Jack for your family and then they did what they always do, use you, manipulate you and send you on your way, you are the best of them Lena. I am with you, let's clear the cobwebs and get you out of this funk"

The excursion was a success, they found the location, Clarence watched as Andrea chose power over Lena and shook his head. He had hoped that she would be someone that would be there for her. After their trip Lena returned and with her testimony Lex was convicted to 32 life sentences. The Media was cruel to her and Lillian too. The day Lena went to claim Leadership of Luthor Corp Lillian was there.

"You don't deserve to be running this company, it should be me, I should be the one taking over. You have never been able to do what was needed to make the Luthor name great you have always been too soft. You turned your back on this family and allowed that Alien to pervert your brother, you sided with them Lena. I will find a way around the Will, Luthor Corp needs a real Luthor at the helm, not an emotional dramatic petulant child, you haven't changed, I gave you everything you needed to reach your potential and you can't because you are too soft."

"You think I want to be here Mother? I would not have chosen this, I didn't choose it but I will change the direction of this company, and make the Luthor name great, but it won't be synonymous with hate, xenophobia and psychopathy."

Lena hated the way Lillian would throw that in her face, that she was not a real Luthor, she had to put up with all the hate for her name, all the judgments of people who didn't know her, fight against the expectations because she was a Luthor, but not enough of a Luthor to be part of the family. She sighed and took a drink of scotch before delivering the speech to the board. She walked into the boardroom and addressed them.

"Our stakeholders have been concerned, our stock has taken a fall, as such I have shored up the company, between my original share, the percentage of my Fathers and my Brothers that have now reverted to me I now own 49% of its stocks. The stakeholders that have replaced our previous have been brought on inline with my vision. The new direction of Luthor Corp. The day has come to seperate the company and its goals with the family and the name, no longer will this company work on weapons and private projects to bring down any Alien. All projects that contain any anti alien objectives will be shelved, there will be a reorganisation and a restructure. As the board you are here to oversee the interests of the company, and that has changed with the new direction, if you no longer feel that you can perform this duty under new leadership then I will accept your resignations. The first order of business is the new location for the head office and the renaming of the company. It is time to move forward and distance ourselves and this company from the sins of the past, this will include philanthropic works too."

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