A City called Daxon

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Lena ran through the back alley, she knew that the bar wasn't far from CATCO, as she rounded on to the street she could see people everywhere, drinking and fornicating, fights between aliens and humans with people laughing and betting. The buildings, once offices and shops were all different, they were show houses, burlesque and fettish clubs, sex shops liqure stores and betting shops. Lena confused slowed, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She slipped in and out of the shadows, heading to CATCO. As she rounded the corner she could see the building, in ruin, the sign missing from the building, glass broken, there were no lights inside.

Lena slipped inside through the door that was hanging off its hinges. The elevators were not working and Lena began the long process of getting up the stairs. Finally at the bullpen Lena looked around, the place was abandoned, there was no one here, everything had been looted just old papers strewn about the floor and noted for stories long forgotten. She headed into her old office and looked for anything that could help. The head line of the paper read, EDGE publications of Daxom. Lena looked at it. She had no idea what Daxom was but this was not funny. She heard a noise and looked up. Pinching the bridge of her nose when she saw that it was Clarence walking into the office.

"What is this? Why is this reading Edge publications, this is CATCO, this is my building this is where Kara works. What is happening?"

Clarence chuckled lightly and shook his head. Lena was still not getting it, this was the world as it would be without her. As with James at the bar, a man that traded his morality and ethics to work with the Luthors to try and get rid of the aliens to save the world, she wasn't there when Edge took over CATCO.

"As I told you Lena, it is as you requested, like you were never born, you were not here to buy the media company, you didn't save it from Edge, he used it to turn peoples minds in the direction that he wanted just as people feared. He controlled the media and the people through it. Without you here to take over, the message to the people became distorted following the agenda of Edge and the people he joined with. His way of thinking became the general consensus"

Lena looked at him, this again she was starting to think that this man was sent to torment her, maybe this was her personal hell. Maybe she had fallen through a portal to an alternate earth whatever was happening. She needed answers and she wasnt getting them here.

"Look I don't know who you are or why you are following me, but I have to get to someone or something that can help me, I need to find out what happened here, I need to do something to correct this, whatever it is I will find a way to put this right. The world I come from may be full of people who lie and decieve me but this is not my world."

Lena knew that finding Kara was the thing that she should do, that no matter what has happened here Kara would be the one that can stop it. She couldn't bring herself to do so, she couldn't face her. Kara had ripped out her heart, lied to her, deceived her and manipulated her. The betrayal was too much she couldn't go to her now, she couldn't put her faith and trust in her, not after that not after all that she had been through. She decided to find Alex, the lesser of two evils, she understood Alex, it wasn't her secret to tell, as Lena had protected Sam she was protecting her sister, that she did understand.

"Is there somewhere I can take you, Clarence you are clearly not well and someone should be taking care of you, I don't have a car but I can walk you to the hospital, the Luthor wing of National City hospital can help you?"

"I am not crazy Lena, I am a angel sent here to help you, in the hope that in return you will help me, and there is no Luthor wing, the hospital isnt even there any more, as Daxom is a reservation for the Daxamites who under the yellow sun have little use for hospitals. We need to move on, there is nothing for you here, maybe a trip to the DEO will give you clarity. It was torn down to make way for the Queen's Palace."

Lena looked at him, there was something strange about this man, his crazy addled mind was creating vivid stories based in a real situations from Lena's past, what ever he was he was speaking in riddles, how could she help him she had no experience with mental health issues, well discounting her dealings with Lillian and Lex. she was literally thinking about the DEO and Alex moments before, was this some kind of trickery.

"Look I need answers and you are not giving any, well any that makes any sense, I can't help you, I cant even help myself, why don't you fly away and find someone else that can help you"

Clarence looked at Lena, she always lashed out when hurt or scared, he knew that she was currently both, so he smiled sweetly, she was worth saving he knew this he had watched everything that she had done and knew that. He smiled and chuckled.

"Lena I can't Fly, I don't have my wings, helping you is the thing that I hope will earn me my wings, now we better move, this place isn't safe, and you have someone to visit"

Lena looked at him and was about to speak when she heard footsteps coming she moved away from the office and headed to the stairwell and started to make her way down stairs. Closely followed by Clarence.

It's a wonderful life, LuthorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon