A broken Luthor

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The last thing that Lena was expecting was Kara to show up at her office, especially now. The knock at the door followed by the blonde peeking around it was happening. Lena looked up at the door and raised her brow, she was not sure that she wanted to see her, she had put herself through the game night, she had tried to be happy and jolly and be normal but she didn't feel like it worked.

"Kara now is not a good time, I am not in the mood to put on a front and I am not sure you will enjoy the conversation right now if you press me."

Kara bit her lip, she knew there was something very wrong, Lena had never turned her away before, she had given her unrestricted access and always made time for her.

"Lena, this is important I have been trying to talk to you about this for a while and I think that it is time, it isn't going to be easy and I just don't think that we should put it off."

Lena's head snapped up and looked at her, when had she tried, when had she ever even suggested that there was something that they should talk about, she wondered what has changed? Did killing her brother finally make her trust worthy, because saving her life had done nothing, nor the aliens, the daxamite issue, the suit nothing that Lena had ever done had earned her a place in the circle. She had been recruited to a group, helped them and they all lied to her, didn't tell her what she was recruited to and worse, they all knew they must think her such a fool.

"Oh, do enlighten me Kara, i see no evidence that you have wanted to tell me anything, I mean I confided in you told you my biggest secret and you said nothing that would have been a good time to tell me something. Or how about when i asked you? But no a Luthor can't ask that, not a Luthor, that's what you see. In case you haven't realised I know what your going to say, Lex beat you too it and honestly he was right, all of them knew I could see it tonight, they all know what you are so desperately trying to tell me now when it is too late, but go on for one moment be honest with me"

Kara looked at her. She shrank the normally tall and confident woman curling in on herself, a shaky hand took off the glasses on her face and the new suit curled around her.

"I am Supergirl, and i can see that you know and that this is nothing new for you but I wanted to say it out loud, confirm what Lex said, and explain if you will just give me a chance."

Lena watched she had not expected her to do that, to actually show her confirm it. Here she stood in her new suit, Lena's eyes glanced across the woman, seeing the transformation, how had she not seen it, the scar, the eyes, the stature, the smile those beautiful locks and oh those azura eyes that were looking at her with desperation. Lena's heart squeezed like someone had literally reached into her chest and took hold of her heart.

"Well the pants are new, and you're only doing this now because you were caught quite literally."

Lena reached into the draw and flipped on the screen to reveal Kara using her powers over and over, running on a loop. Kara's eyes had widened at the video, Lex had done more than tell her he had evidence and was using it to taunt Lena, none of these videos were complete, they were snap shots of different days all of them Kara was trying to protect Lena.

"I am assuming i will be getting a visit from the DEO, or will you send someone in to find and take the thumb drive? Or are you going to just take it yourself this time? Why don't I save you the trouble and just hand it over before you decide that I need to be dealt with?"

"Lena no, I am not going to do that, I apologise for that I told you I was wrong to do that you accepted the apology, I couldn't tell you after the reign incident you hated half of who I was, but I wanted to protect you, I have only eve used my powers as Kara for two people, Alex, the day I outed myself and you, when edge poisoned you, when someone tried to shoot you at a press conference and during the attacks at LCorp and the prison. I only risk the truth coming out to protect someone I truly love. You um, my best friend Lena, and I am not going to take that from you, you maybe mad at me but you, Lena you I believe in, I have faith in and I trust with my life, keep it, I know you will not hurt me"

The words hit Lena hard Kara was saying that she loved her and then that she was her best friend, she didn't know what was worse, that the thought of Kara loving her made her heart jump, or that the best friends line hurt so much more than normal after it. "That's what friends are for" she thought their inside joke that became harder and harder to hear. She thought that this woman couldn't hurt her anymore but clearly as much as she wanted to block this woman out of her heart she couldn't.

"No that's your job isn't it, to hurt, that is what you have been doing to me since the moment we met, I tried to keep you away and you wouldnt let me be, you pushed and pushed, what did the super need to keep an eye on the Luthor in town, did your cousin tell you that I was just like my brother? You had to keep your enemy close? You never trusted me if you did you would have told me, instead of keeping me in the dark and making fun of me."

"No, no Lena it isn't like that at all, you were amazing and funny and smart and so strong, I wanted to get to know you, I wanted to tell you, then your mother told me the only reason she didn't tell you is because you not knowing would mean when you found out you would hate me. I was scared, I didn't want to lose you I couldn't not have you in my life, I just couldn't lose you, then I wanted to tell you, when I disappeared, but Reign was the reason and you had the Kryptonite and I messed up and I saw what it was like, I felt how it would be with no Lena in my life. You treated me as Kara and the only one that didn't want the super first in fact you didn't want her at all. I am so sorry Lena, I know that I have messed up again and I keep hurting you all I wanted was to keep you in my life, to keep you as my friend, to protect you like I promised."

Lena could feel the pain coming back like the first time that she watched the video, hearing her trying to make her listen to let her back in Lena couldn't cover the pain. She looked at Kara and stood placing her hands on the desk. She didn't mean to lose her temper. She was so good at concealing her emotions, just never around the blonde.

"I don't want the half baked apology, the one I am getting because you got caught, I don't want you in my life I don't want you protecting me, in fact you are never to protect me again, I don't want any help from you, I don't care if you believe in me or trust me or anything else you say, you have betrayed me, made a fool out of me, lied to me, I can't let myself believe anything you say. Done be here, bone protects me, don't believe in me, just leave me alone. I used to be so sure that a super and a Luthor could work together because I wasn't like Lex, but you are, he manipulated me, lied to me and played me for a fool and I went back for more every time, well not again, just get out"

"I will never stop trying Lena, I will never stop believing in you, I will never stop watching over you, you have a beautiful heart and it pains me to know I hurt it, but I will always be here and I will always protect you even if it is from afar."

Kara replaced her glasses, removing the suit and retreated, heading out of the office, but nothing could stop her hearing the sobs coming from the CEO. She kept true to her word, Lena received flowers apologies invitations to events the latest being christmas dinner. Lena had discarded them all but the christmas invitation she kept hold of, she was going to be looking after Ruby and same was due to visit too, there was something about that, the thought of all being there with Ruby and Sam that she couldn't discard.

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