Part 21..

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Hado led Amajiki back to the entrance but was immediately stopped by Mirio. "I was rooting for you Hado but now I'm just disgusted. How could you do that to Y/n? Unbelievable. We're also leaving Amajiki." Mirio said grabbing Amajiki's wrist and pulled him away from Hado. "What are you talking about?" Hado asked as Mirio just glared at her. "Yeah, what are you talking about Mirio?" Tamaki asked as he was now curious about what the hell he was implying. 

"Hado you better tell him before I do because I will not care about the outcome." Mirio said to Hado who rolled her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about. Come on Amajiki, let's go and party! Mirio must have hit his head or something." Hado said chuckling nervously as Tamaki just looked over at Mirio wanting answers. "Can one of you please tell me? Is Y/n okay? What's going on?" Tamaki asked as many scenarios began to play in his head making him worry.

(Did something happen to Y/n? Crap, I never got their number or anything to get a hold of them. Damnit, What did Hado even do? It can't be that bad right?) Tamaki thought to himself as he felt his heart beating like crazy hoping you'd be okay. Tamaki looked over at Mirio who was now radiating bad energies which made Tamaki feel uncomfortable. Hado's eyes widened as Tamaki held her hands gently as he looked into her eyes. "Tell me please." Tamaki said as she pouted.

Litzy and you decided to have a movie night since you both did leave the party early as it was only 10 at night. You were still irritated by Hado's action as the kiss the both shared just kept on playing in your head making you upset. You considered her your friend yet she stabs you in the back as if it were nothing. Your heart was breaking with each second that passed by as you looked at the TV. "It's okay let it out." Litzy said rubbing your back in circles. 

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