Part 23..

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"They're on their way now..." Tamaki said nervously to Mirio who smirking. "What's your next move loverboy?" Mirio said teasingly as Tamaki felt himself get flustered at the thought of you and the possibilities that can happen. "Also, why are you wearing the mask? We already left the party a while ago." Mirio said confused as Tamaki began to rub his arm up and down as he looked at the grass that was below him. "I feel more confident..." Tamaki said to Mirio.

"AWE! YOU'RE GROWING UP! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!" Mirio said messing up Tamaki's hair from side to side. "OH MY GOD! THEY'RE HERE! HIDE! HIDE!" Tamaki yelled out as Mirio jumped to the nearest bush and hide so he can spy on you both. Tamaki began to fiddle with his fingers as he patiently waited for you but immediately slapped his forehead and jogged over to you instead. Mirio sighed as he sneakily went to the other nearest bush that was behind Amajiki.

As Mirio got there he realized someone was already there as he covered his mouth almost blowing his cover. Litzy hushed him as she peeked over the bush as she saw you and Amajiki standing there awkwardly. "So...? Why did you want me to meet you here at a park..?" You asked Tamaki as he reached for your hands and held them together to his chest. "Why are you wearing the mask Amaji-." You were cut off as Tamaki kissed your hands softly making you flustered.

"Tonight has been filled with surprises and when you told me about your feelings about me I-. I couldn't stop smiling afterward." Tamaki said smiling as he looked into your eyes and realized you were wearing something else that wasn't your dress. He felt left out as he was still wearing his tuxedo which made him embarrassed as hell. "Hado told me everything and I'm really sorry. Let me make it up to you...?" Tamaki asked as he then felt your arms wrap around him gently.

𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝙼𝚎 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝...Where stories live. Discover now