Chapter 64

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Hermione's parents blinked at her sudden shift. It wasn't like her to be anxious.

"Of course, dear," her mother said.

Hermione stood and headed toward the kitchen, beckoning Mr. Weasley, who quickly set his teacup down and followed, surprised.

"I - I can't do this!" Hermione murmured, closing her eyes and she passed through the kitchen to the dining room and began pacing.

"Hermione?" Mr. Weasley said, looking at her in concern as he entered the room. "What's wrong, dear?

Hermione turned to look at him, her face flushed and tears forming in her eyes. "I can't let you do this!" she cried. "Putting your family in danger with the ministry, telling them too much!"

Arthur gave a chuckle of disbelief. "I told you, Professor Dumbledore said that he would take care of the ministry, and that we should tell them what they needed to know."

"I - I thought it would be enough, but it's not," Hermione said giving him a pleading look.

"What?" Mr. Weasley asked. "What are you talking about?"

"The calming draught," Hermione said. "I thought I gave them enough. I slipped it in their tea."

Mr. Weasley sighed and removed the bottle from his pocket noticing that although not by much, the bottle wasn't exactly full. "I was afraid of that," he said looking at it again. "Where did you get this?"

Hermione bit her lip, looking nervous. "The twins," she said quietly after a moment.

She watched as Mr. Weasley held the vial up to the light. "Well, I'm no expert," he said after a moment, and lowered his gaze to her. "But it looks about the right color. Perhaps you didn't use enough, but," he paused and sighed. "Why did you use it at all?"

"Only because I'm freaking out right now," Hermione answered, and raked her hands through her hair as she paced.

"Perhaps you need some of this," he said, holding up the vial before putting it back in his pocket. "Why are you so 'freaking out' right now?"

Hermione turned and looked at him where he stood in the doorway and threw her hand up toward the door. "Only because right now they're contemplating not letting me go back."

"Its only a few days till the start of term, we can meet you in Diagon Alley like we have in previous years," Mr. Weasley said.

"No, Mr. Weasley," Hermione said. "I mean, not letting me go back to school."

"Oh!" Mr. Weasley said. "That's - that's not good."

"No," Hermione agreed. "I've done some reading, Mr. Weasley, on those who are made to suppress their magic..."

"It's not good," Mr. Weasley said.

"I - I read through A History of Magic first year," Hermione said. "I was looking for information on Nicholas Flamel, and the Sorcerer's Stone, and I found information on Ob -"

"Obscurals," Mr. Weasley said, then he paused. "You read through A History of of Magic?"

Hermione nodded.

"You do know that isn't likely to happen, don't you?" Mr. Weasley asked. "You've learned to control your magic, Obscurals generally come from those who are abused either physically or psychologically. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"I know," Hermione said quietly. "But with my cousin asking all kinds of questions, I'd rather not take the chance. Besides, who would look after Harry then?"

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