Chapter 78

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"Cherry," Oliver heard Hermione say when he came in from outside, and smiled when he could tell by her tone that her patience was wearing thin. "Would you not ask me if I need anything every five minutes?"

"Yes, of course, young mistress Granger," Cherry answered. "Cherry would of course, but Cherry's orders are -"

"From Master Hickory that you're to look after me until he, Juniper or Oliver return, I know, I know," Hermione cut in tiredly.

"Cherry is sorry, young mistress Granger," Cherry said sadly and Oliver saw her ears droop as the elf came into view when he came into the room.

"It's okay, Cherry," Oliver said causing the elf and Hermione to look up and he realized that they hadn't heard him come in. "I'm here now, you can go and check on Ash and Willow if you like."

Cherry looked up at him with fearful eyes. "Cherry is sorry, Master Oliver. Cherry tried to do her job like Master Hickory instructed."

"Cherry," Oliver said and waited till the elf stopped talking and looked at him again. "Its okay. You're not in trouble. I'll let dad know that you did your job."

The elf nodded. "Thank you Master Oliver. Cherry will go check on Ash and Willow now. Call on Cherry if you need Cherry to watch over young mistress Granger again."

"You're welcome Cherry," Oliver said. "I will."

The elf nodded once more, snapped her fingers and disappeared.

Hermione sighed in relief and closed her book, drawing her feet closer to her as Oliver came in and sat own on the couch beside her, blushing as he picked up her feet and drew them back across his lap. "Thank you," she murmured.

"Your welcome," Oliver replied and chuckled. "Was she really that bad?"

"Yes!" Hermione exclaimed. "I woke up to her sitting in my room humming, and while I appreciate her help getting around, and with my bath this morning after she fixed and brought my breakfast, I've been lounging here reading my book - or trying to - and she was constantly interrupting, asking if I needed anything."

Oliver couldn't help laughing aloud when Hermione seemed not to take a breath. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said holding up his hands in defense. "I don't mean to laugh, honest. I'll talk to dad about it when he comes in and let him know he needs to clarify his instructions."

"It wouldn't have been so bad if she'd actually hold a conversation with me," Hermione said. "I tried asking her questions but a lot of times she just ignored them."

"Yeah, that's what my mom doesn't like," Oliver agreed. "What questions did you ask?"

"Oh. Well, I asked her about the history of the house elves," Hermione explained. "How they came to have servitude to wizard families. She never answered though."

"I see," Oliver said and sighed. "Well, the truth is, she might not know. That's the simple answer anyway."

"And the difficult one?" Hermione asked looking at him curiously.

"The difficult one," Oliver said and sighed, shifting a little uncomfortably. "Is that they don't want to speak ill of the family, regardless of what generation they serve and how they differ in how they treat the elves. Either way," Oliver said and paused, sighing. "I doubt you'll get an answer out of them."

They were quiet a moment, each lost in thought, then he grinned and looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

"I know what you're trying to do though," he said, schooling his features.

"You do?" Hermione asked, looking at him dubiously.

"Sure," Oliver said looking at her squarely. "You're trying to find out if we mistreat them."

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