Skirmish in the Shack

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Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story other than Nikki.


"Sirius!" I whispered, shocked. I started to walk towards Sirius, gradually going faster until I'm running. Crookshanks gets off of Sirius's chest, and he stands up. I gently push Harry aside, and stand in front of Sirius. My hands cup his cheeks. "You're alright." Sirius's head comes down and our lips collide. We kiss for what seems like two seconds, but actually was two minutes. Ron's shouting, Hermione's gasps, and Harry's rage doesn't penetrate the cloud of love that surrounds Sirius and I. Then, we part and give each other the biggest hug we've ever given. I want to stop time and live just in this moment, the smell of sugar and smoke in the air. But, I can't. I let go of Sirius and turn to face the Golden Trio's shock and fury.

Nikki POV:

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT, NIKKI?????" Ron shouted. I cringe.

"Ummmmmm, Itimetraveledintohissixthyear,fellinlovewithhim,andwe'vebeenmeetingherelikeeveryweek?"

"Say that again, but slower."

I sighed. "I time traveled into his sixth year, fell in love with him, and we've been meeting here like every week."


I look behind me at Sirius. His face is full of shock from Ron and I looking alike. "Yeah, I have more brothers than just Fred, George, and Percy. There's Bill, Charlie, and Ron. I also have a sister named Ginny."

"Okay then. You have a really large family."

"Oh, yeah. Ron, Sirius is not a pervert. Remember, the last time I knew him was when we were both sixteen. So really, it's not like I could just fall out of love with him. Changing the subject, where's Scabbers?" I can hear Sirius groan.

"Why can't I hide anything from you?" He questions. I giggle.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just. Give. Me. Scabbers."

"No!! I can't believe you, Nikki! You don't deserve to be Head Girl. You are helping a mass-murderer into the castle!!" Hermione said, appalled.

I sigh. "Great job, Hermione. The most important part of that thing was wrong. Sirius isn't a mass-murderer. His boggart is him as a Death Eater, for Merlin's sake." I turn around and walk closer to Sirius. I go on his left side and pull his sleeve up. I see only pale white skin. "Hermione, where do Death Eaters have the Dark Mark?"

"Umm, on their left forearm. What does that have to do with any-oh."


"Harry, shut the bloody hell up! Ron, give me Scabbers. Now." I groan in exasperation and whip my wand out. "Accio Scabbers!!" The rat zooms towards me and I catch him. I hand him over to Sirius.

Remus, who up until this point has been very silent, says, "Where is he, Sirius?"

Sirius points to his hand, at the rat that is currently flailing around in his grasp.

"But then... why hasn't he shown himself before now? Unless, unless he was the one... unless you switched... without telling me?" Remus walks over to Sirius and I and pulls Sirius into a bro hug. I smile and join in.

I hear Hermione yelling. "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Remus, Hermione, and Harry exchange words. I facepalm.

"Can we just get on with it? Please?" I comment, frustrated with how long the explanation is taking with interruptions all the damn time.

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