Addicted Pt. 6

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Only two more parts to go.

I like using cliffhangers, and I'm also very lazy

...And stressed out.

Anyways! On with the tea!


After you were settled into your room. You were given a tour and such and what your schedule would include.

After your first day, you went back into your room and took a seat on your bed. You looked back into your suitcase and saw the tape recorder.

The note on it said; Play whenever you miss me.

You waited a few seconds but pressed play and it was Shoto singing.

" You are my Sunshine
My only sunshine
You make happy
When skies are grey~
You'll never know dear
How much I love you...~
Please don't take my sunshine away~"

I love you (y/n), I'll see you soon.

You smiled as tears welled up in your eyes. He cared so much, you wiped the tears from your eyes and took a deep breath.

You walked around placing your items around your room to make you feel more at home, it didn't do much, but at least you were comfortable.

You take a shower and dress in more comfortable clothes. You grabbed the journal and pencil that Shoto packed and opened to the first blank page and titled it; Day one.

Afterward, you had dinner and just laid in your bed with one of your books. You didn't have your phone and couldn't tell Shoto goodnight. You placed your book on the nightstand turned off the lamp.

"Goodnight Shoto." You say before pulling the blanket over your head.


Shoto entered the house and closed the door behind him. The whole atmosphere was thrown off, with nothing else to do he just walked around the large empty house.

Dinnertime came around and Shoto sat at the dinner table drinking his green tea in silence.

After dinner, he takes a shower and runs his fingers through his multi-colored hair, exhaling softly as he found comfort in the acoustics bouncing off the shower walls as he hummed to himself.

Was the house always this quiet? Was the room always this empty? Shoto didn't remember it feeling so empty.

He crawled into the bed and looked around before turning off the light.

"Goodnight (y/n)..."

Some time later...

Almost the past 70 days, things still weren't...the same you can say.

Shoto couldn't visit you just yet, but you two wrote letters back and forth. But, for a moment of time, Todoroki had a dark cloud over him. Most days out of the week he wasn't at work, he couldn't eat, he stayed in bed sometimes.

He just wanted you back home.

Eventually, he got up, showered, and went to work. But his hair was a mess and had dark circles under his eyes. He looks like he's been through hell.

Once he entered the office, he was greeted by Momo.

"What did you call me in for?" Todoroki said in a deadpan voice.

Before Momo could say anything, she had to double take a look at Shoto. "Are you sure you're ready?"

"What is it Momo? What did you call me for?" His voice rising slightly.

Todoroki x Reader Oneshots (Old Book) (Discontinued Due To Toxic Fandom)Where stories live. Discover now