It's Just A Nightmare (Scorpia x Reader)

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Prompt C

Harsh trainings were nothing new in the Horde. Everyday every cadet was pushed to their limit through various training exercises designed to train them in combating the evil princess rebellion. (Y/N) had learnt to fight through whatever was thrown her way.

Just like this simulation...

'C'mon Kyle keep up!' (Y/N) called back at Kyle who was dragging behind.

'I'm trying!' He groans in response.

'Urg' (Y/N) groans. 'Rogelio go grab him then go right, Lonnie follow me left' the three nod at (Y/N)'s orders.

The two teams snuck up on both sides of the robot who was the target of this exercise. (Y/N) gets Rogelio's attention and tells him to wait for his signal.

'Three, two-'

'KYLE!' (Y/N) shouts at the blond boy as he runs away from the giant robot. 'That wasn't the plan! Urg screw it!'

(Y/N) leaped out of her hiding place and ran after the robot. She pulled out her staff and jumped onto the back of the bot. Noticing someone on top of it, the bot stopped chasing after Kyle and started trying to shake (Y/N) off. (Y/N) slid down, being careful not to fall off and stabbed the bots sensor with her staff. Sparks flew from the point of impact as the blot continued to thrash about, slowly losing power and eventually coming to a stop.

'That was AWESOME (Y/N)' Lonnie complimented.

Rogelio nods in agreement.

'Thank you so much (Y/N), I thought I was a goner' Kyle exclaims.

Sweating and exhausted, (Y/N) jumped down off of the back of the robot. 'It's fine, just make sure to wait for my signal next time' she chuckled.


Restless sleep was nothing new in the Horde. Cadets of all ages often found it hard to sleep due to the less than luxurious living conditions. But after spending your entire life here, it became normal. (Y/N) had learnt to sleep through just about anything.

Including her nightmares...

'Gotta be quiet, gotta be quiet' Scorpia whispers to herself as she 'quietly' sneaks into (Y/N)'s room. She tiptoed around (Y/N)'s bed and to her table, unfortunately she accidentally knocked something over causing a loud crash.

'Hmhmm' (Y/N) mumbles.

'Oh sorry (Y/N) I didn't mean to wake you, it's just that you left your staff in the training room so I was just returning it' Scorpia's explanation was only met with more murmurs and mumbles from the sleeping girl. '(Y/N)?' Scorpia asks.

'N-no' (Y/N) softly says in response.

'No what?'

(Y/N) then began thrashing around and mumbling even more in her sleep. 'no no no, stop... please...'

'NO!' (Y/N) screams, jolting awake, shocking Scorpia in the process

'(Y/N), (Y/N) are you ok?' She places a claw on (Y/N)'s shoulder, causing her to scream again and jump away. 'Hey, hey, it's me, it's only me' she comfort.

'Yeah yeah, of course, who else would it be...' (Y/N) nervously laughs.

'Was it a nigh-oof' Scorpia was interrupted by (Y/N) practically tackling her into a hug. Scorpia could feel their shoulder becoming damp which made them return the hug even more. 'Hey hey hey, shhh shhh I've got you' Scorpia soothes.

'I-I, it, it's just, I was, it was' (Y/N) stutters, too much of a mess to form a full sentence.

'It's ok, it's ok, can you take some deep breaths for me?'

'Mhm' (Y/N) murmured, acknowledging Scorpia's request.

A few minutes had past and (Y/N)'s breaths had finally slowed and her tears had stopped flowing.

'Can you tell me what happened?'

'I was so scared Scorpia' she starts 'you Rogelio, Kyle, Lonnie, Catra too, you were all...' she broke out crying again, unable to finish the sentence.

'It was just a nightmare (Y/N), it didn't happen, it won't happen, I'm here.

'T-thank you' (Y/N) thanks barely above a whisper, her voice too sore from crying. She then starts to laugh softly. 'For someone with claws you're a great hugger Scorpia'

'Thank you for noticing, most people don't understand how hard it it with claws for hands but...'

And the conversation went on, Scorpia managing to comfort (Y/N) and calm her down enough for her to sleep again.

Nightmares were nothing new in the Horde. Terrible dark thoughts awaited almost every cadets sleep. (Y/N) had yet to learn how to deal with nightmares but she didn't need to know.

She had Scorpia to help her.



I have no idea how to write action so I hope the tiny amount of it wasn't too bad. I also love Kyle with every fibre in my body, he is just so precious 🥺

All the support I've gotten is honestly shocking to me, I never would have fathomed that anyone would actually enjoy my work but here we are.

I'm counting down the days to my birthday 🥳

That's all I've got to say for now so cya later mates 😁

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