Chapter 6: Find Me within the Memories (A Thanksgiving Special - Part 1)

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This chapter, like all the others, is complete canon to the story. It may be called a special, and there's a completely good reason for it as well. You'll just have to wait until the final part for the full reason to be revealed... although I do explain just a tad at the end.

Also, this bit is entirely from Ash's POV. Just a heads up.


A couple weeks have passed since Yuki and I have learned about her personal trial. We were unsure about what was needed in order to accomplish the task, so until we think of a decent idea, Yuki has decided to work on controlling her aura.

Aura is connected to emotions, which Yuki seems to... kinda be on a emotional roller-coaster. Her fears of what Pokemon are capable of seem abnormal to everyone around her, even rivaling Lillie's past fears. Instead of freezing up from fear, Yuki seems to automatically put up an Aura Shield that drains her energy within seconds. Not much has changed regarding that...

Well, unless you count the fact that for the past couple days, Yuki seems to be... not completely in the moment. What do I mean by that? Well, first off, her Aura is kind of delayed... along with her reaction time. It's hard to put into words... it's like... Misty's Psyduck, but worse. She doesn't notice a Pokemon is around her unless at least 10 minutes have passed. If that happens, that's when her Aura goes out of control. Sometimes, because a Pokemon isn't near her long enough, everything's fine... almost like she never noticed the Pokemon in the first place (which, by the way, was confirmed to be the case each time.)

UGH, I don't know how to explain things! I now understand why people have said my explanations don't make any sense... somewhat... maybe?

Either way, Yuki has seemed very sad to the point where she's skipped Pokemon school for the past few days. What's eating away at her...? She won't tell me, just saying that I wouldn't understand. Well, I won't understand if she doesn't tell me anything! I've been told to leave the topic alone by Professor Bernet and Kukui... I guess maybe it's just sensitive?

I wouldn't learn until Wednesday night, the 6th day of Yuki's continued sadness, why she was like that. Sometime before morning, my new friend from the world that created this one vanished without a trace. (Seriously, Yuki even left Greninja and Lucario behind!)

...Maybe I should backtrack to the day I first noticed her dilemma. It was the 3rd Thursday of November, sometime during dinner. We were talking about how much time we had until the final battle, which to Yuki's surprise, would take place in under three years.

*Flashback, the conversation*

"Less then three years?" Yuki questioned, one eye brow up in confusion. "Not four?"

I nodded, eating some noodles. "Yeah, and it was also sometime in mid July when I faced Bea. Not one hundred percent sure when, though."

'It was just at the end of July 2022 when the Exteratus battle happened, as well.' Pikachu added.

Yuki's eyes widened with disbelief. "2022? You're telling me your world was two years ahead of my o-" She cut off her own words and asked Rotomdex, who wasn't completely activated until after the day we got the information on the personal trial, what today's date was.

"It's Thursday, November 21, 2019-roto!" A smiley face went on his screen, then suddenly changed to a confused one. "Is something wrong-roto?"

Yuki was already half way to the sink, before Rotom asked his question. Placing her plate down, she responded, "No, everything's ok."

'Are you sure, Onēsan?' My Riolu asked, lifting his head up from his bowl of Pokemon food. He was always so concerned for Yuki.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She walked towards the front door and opened it. "I'm gonna go for a little walk."

To everyone's surprise, Yuki shut the door before my Greninja OR Professor Kukui's Lucario could go with her. The two rushed after her, knowing full well that her fears could easily be sparked.

'Onēsan is not OK.' Riolu told me. 'Her Aura suddenly seemed so sad...'

*End of Flashback*

Thinking back about it now, that's when she changed. When she asked about the date... I wonder if she's been upset about us being ahead of her. No, that makes no sense what-so-ever! Right now, I just don't understand why she's so upset...

Maybe if I think a bit more, I can piece it together... but thinking isn't my strong point. Doing things on the fly is.

"AHH, I WISH SOMEONE WOUL JUST TELL ME WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!" I screamed from the loft, clearly expressing how annoyed this made me.


Hey guys, Yuki here. Happy Thanksgiving!

This chapter was originally going to be one part, but for how personally important it was to me, I felt like I had to get something up today. For those who have actually been reading all the chapters (from beginning of book 1 to now, as I can only assume all of you are since nothing would make full sense without doing so...) you should remember a Chapter within book 2 called 'Wholesome Memories.'

Book 2, Chapter 4.1: Wholesome Memories was a chapter that touched a real life event that happened to me regarding how Pokemon helped my actual life. I'll tell you right now that this chapter actually builds off that topic. For that reason, I will NOT tolerate any negativity from the comments regarding what is happening within the chapter.

If you actually READ that chapter, you should understand why. (Thankfully, no one has bashed me with any unnecessary hate/dislike yet. Which, for that, I am very grateful to all of you. THIS IS WHY I LIKE WATTPAD: IT'S NOT TOXIC! - well it might be, but compared to every other website I've been on, I've yet to been personally hit with it... and that's saying something, since I've already been here for like 2 months.)

Thank you all for reading my story so far. To be honest, this entire story has basically become my way of expressing my life, issues, etc. (Of course, in the most vague way possible... I don't add anything other people don't already know.) Pokemon has helped me a huge amount in my life, alongside how when I originally created Yuki, she was actually there to help me become ME again. (I felt like I lost a lot of myself at some point, so I felt like if I imagined myself AS myself, but with a different name and looks, I could become me again. It worked, by the way.)

Anyway, I actually hope to finish the full Chapter 6 within the next couple of days, for personal reasons... but we'll see. c':


OH, just for a translation note: Onēsan means 'Older Sister' in Japanese. Ima have Ash's Riolu call Yuki that, because... well... it's cute! ^v^


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