He can't hurt you (Luz x Reader)

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Prompt C

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I look around and see nothing, nothing anywhere. I can see complete nothingness but it's not dark, I feel cold, I can't move, I'm scared.

'I-Is anyone there!?' My call for help was only met with the echoes of my voice all around me. I don't know what I should be feeling but I was cold and damp and most of all terrified.

'Hello child' I hear a voice, that voice.

The voice that took Eda.

The voice that betrayed Lilith.

The voice that hurt Luz.

'Y-y-you' I stutter, I try to look to where the voice came from but his voice sounds like it's everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

'Indeed, how have you been young (Y/N)?'

'W-what? Where are you!' I shout at him.

'No need for shouting, I'm just here to talk'


'Ah yes, the other human, she's with me just like all the others who you call friends'

'That doesn't answer my question' I growl.

Finally Emperor Bellows appeared in front of me, eyes glowing blue and staff emitting a strange red light.

'If you really want to see your precious Luz then don't let me stop you' he then casts a spell which showed an image of Luz.

I felt sick.

The image isn't real, it can't be, I won't let it be. There in front of me was Luz covered in... I can't bring myself to say it, there's just too much red. I can feel my stomach getting ready to empty itself.

'N-n-no' I sob, tears pouring out of my eyes.

'No what? You said you wanted to see her didn't you? I was just fulfilling your request'

'YOU MONSTER!' I scream at Bellows, tears clouding my vision.

'No need for petty insults, we'll talk again soon young (Y/N), goodbye for now'

No ones P.O.V

'NO!' (Y/N) screams, jolting awake, covered in sweat, waking Luz up in the process.

'(Y/N)! (Y/N) are you ok?' She places a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, causing her to scream again and jump away. 'Hey, hey, it's me, it's only me' she comfort.

'Yeah yeah, of course, who else would it be...' (Y/N) nervously laughs.

'Was it a nigh-oof' Luz was interrupted by (Y/N) practically tackling them into a hug. Luz could feel shoulder of her shirt becoming damp which made her hug back even tighter.

'Wow, hey, what's wrong?'

'You're ok' (Y/N) cries.

'Of course I'm ok, did your nightmare say otherwise?'

'Bellows' (Y/N) mumbled, holding onto Luz almost like if she let go then she'd lose her forever.

'Hey (Y/N) look at me' (Y/N) complies with Luz's request and pulls out of the hug to look at her. 'Bellows can't hurt you'

'But he-'

'Look (Y/N) we chipped a piece of his mask. We know he's not invincible now' Luz encourages.

'You chipped his mask, I was too scared to do anything' Luz takes a hold of (Y/N)'s shoulders.

'Are you kidding me?! Your glyph skills saved my behind! And there's nothing wrong with being scared. Heck I was terrified! But you're not alone, you've got Eda, King, Willow, Gus, Amity, you even managed to become friends with Boscha but most importantly...' Luz moves her hands from (Y/N)'s shoulders to holding her hands. 'You've got me'

(Y/N) then heard the three words that would keep a smile on her face for all of time.

'I love you, (Y/N)'

(Y/N) begins to tear up but this time from happiness. She pulls Luz in for a tight hug, burying her head into the crook of Luz's neck.

'I love you too Luz'

The two girls then laid down, still in each others arms and drifted off into a peaceful, nightmare free slumber.


Im sorry that this chapter is a so short and I'm so sorry that I'm taking so long to update I am just having a little bit of writers block, please forgive me🙏.

Also it's almost my birthday (it's the 12th) and I'm going to an escape room for the first time so I'm super excited 🥳

That's all I've got to say so cya mates 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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