A Tumor Is Born

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Isobel Steele
I have had six babies and you would think that a male doctor would take my word for it when I tell him my baby is coming no he argues that I have a tumor. I tell him well this tumor is coming now so you are working in the wrong area. I think because her cord was around her neck they couldn't get a good heart beat. But come on my seventh child I think I know when I am having a baby. And guess what the tumor cried nice the moved the cord from around her neck. We had a name drawing and allowed the kids to choose and name and draw it out of the hat. All the slips had the same name on them. Ruby Ann Steele was her name. Ana was always worried over Ruby she would wonder into her room and wake her up. It would make me mad, she said she thought Ruby wasn't breathing is why she checked on her. Ana stopped it. I had my own issues and Ana had to have her eyes operated on, her eyes were crossed and weren't getting any better. Ana was six and she was running around on chairs and fell flat on her face and knocked her front teeth loose so we had to take her to the dentist who put them back in her gums where the luckily stayed. That same year the poor kid had a stallion come down on her foot while watching a parade. Thank God it wasn't broken. But she was scared silly.
I have no self confidence and my self esteem is low and I so shy I am afraid to talk to people and especially teachers or principals. I had a bad incident where after pleading to go the restroom the teacher refused I was six maybe. I of course had an accident and she took me to the office to paddle me for having wet on myself. They called my mom to take me home and to witness my paddling.
I can't believe this teacher and she actually told me that my young daughter asked to go to the restroom and pleaded to go and yet she refused to allow her to. When she wet her pants she brought her to the principals office and called me to come watch her being paddled and to take her home and lecture her on how to control your bladder. I told her if she ever refused to let my child go use the restroom and I found out about it the school board would be called. Then told her how about you can't go to the restroom all day. If you paddle my child ever I will have you charged with assault on her. I think you should be reprimanded for reusing her request to use the restroom and her wetting her pants. You emotionally abused her. Let her go to the restroom any time she asks you from now on. Apologize to my daughter now and to me for wasting my time. No wonder she hates attending school with teachers like you.
Mom and dad had to worry about my eyes and glasses from the age of six until I was twelve. We were poor very much so and broken glasses added to the problems. After six years my nose is pretty much what I saw. Add to it I was an accident waiting to happen. I mean who steps in the edge of a glass piece of the old coke bottle and it wedges into your heel. Luckily it came back out, but my sister and I had other troubles a gang of kids threatened us. Luckily some man stopped them from coming after us. We were just walking home from the pool. I seem to attract bad situations.
At twelve thanks to some very kind doctors donating their time and even flying in from another state my eyes were fixed. Plus Lyons club, some may know this group and some may not. But they are an organization that helped out people with vision issues. I credit my mom and dad for taking the time and money to make sure my eyes were operated on. Of course my mom told me how attractive my male doctors were. I just remember all those rainbow like prisms they used to figure out what was going on with my eyes. Anyway poor people have fun just creating their own fun or talking with relatives. You can laugh for hours at cousins doing imitations of a favorite comedian or telling a hilarious true story. And then there are the times when you duck a sibling hitting you for no reason. Who walks over to you while you are trying to read your Spanish to English dictionary and tears the pages out of it out of nowhere? My older sister that's who and I wasn't her first victim or her last. She got so bad my parents took her to see someone and she blamed my parents for her issues, then she blamed me and they took me to see him. He told my parents that nothing was wrong with me other than being brutalized by my sister. He then said he thought she was just born mean and used us when she felt like hurting someone or starting a battle. So life goes on, but mean people stay mean and she did. My sister at her worst tried to crush my esophagus while holding a baby in her arms. I got free, but the nail mates were there for a month. I closed myself away from her and her antics, she did a lot more than that though swinging a bat at my head in front of my kid sister. She hit the chandelier which brought my mom into our bedroom. She tried to tell my mom I swung the bat and my sister spoke up and told her exactly what happened. My sister just came at me with that bat out of nowhere. Mean was a misdiagnosis, psychotic maybe? But I am not a psychiatrist and wasn't then.
Grownup well I hope I am.
I have had a horrible beginning and it has left it's marks in more than one way. Emotional scars do not go away they just are filed away for the future. Hunger and pain were my life and love was not known to me. Anger and hate and fear were. My mother decided I wasn't important enough to get help for her drug abuse. So it finally took her leaving me scared, hungry, and desperate for anything to eat that I could find. The bad man showed up and called someone after seeing my mother. He kicked me and caused me to hit my head and finally left, leaving my mom and me. Suddenly police entered and wouldn't stop checking me and my mom out. They dragged me out with my blanket and my cars screaming for my mommy.

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