Jeanies Due Date

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Ana and I have been living together for six months now and our marriage was a quiet affair we married the same day as Gail and Taylor did. Although it was fast my parents, grandparents and my siblings all told me to strike while the iron was hot. So I asked her to marry me and we got married with Gail and Taylor as a witness. The fact that I was following through taking care of Jeanie and her baby was why she agreed to marry me so soon. The family and friends came after Jeanies baby was born. Her fiancé was not marrying her and he didn't want kids. We decided to have the wedding after Jeanie had he baby. Our honeymoon was delayed due to issues about Jeanies safety. Ana agreed Jeanie and the baby's safety come before our honeymoon. We did have a great time the night we got married. Let's just say she was relaxed and very sore the next day and so was I. I loved her huge whirlpool tub and the soothing bath salts we added.
I am glad we got married like we did. My material for my wedding dress wouldn't have arrived before and I couldn't have made the dress, so I bought a white dress and added some delicate lace around the waist, hem and color. Then created a hair piece using the lace and white piece of spandex like a head band. Had a bouquet of daisies. It was great and simple, we drove Gail and Taylor to the airport and headed to my home and now Christians home. We kept his apartment close to GEH. We hired extra housekeeping and cooks for when Gail is off and Sawyer is in charge along with Welch when Taylor has vacation and his honeymoon. His daughter will be moving in with him permanently when he gets back from the honeymoon. Gails sister is taking care of her while they are on their honeymoon. Sophie met me for five minutes at the weddings.
Christian and mow Ana Grey are involved in helping take care of me and the baby. They have been very kind to me. I had hoped that Christian would marry me, but he made it clear that he had other plans and it didn't include me. He and Ana make a great couple. Ana may seem quiet, but she made it clear to me that she was Christians wife and was staying that way. Baby or no baby, no flirting with Christian. He made it very clear he had intentions toward Ana and he married her. Christian has the O Shea's as my security after my ex fiancé tried to terminate my pregnancy.
A year later Jeanie allowed us to adopt Christian Alexander Grey. She is now Married to of all people Thomas Sawyer the Grey's Assistant head of security. We know about who the father of the baby is and so does Jeanie, but we are keeping that information quiet. Christian and I feel it's no one's business but ours and his real mother. Except for my sister we had a beautiful wedding for our families. His parents are going to watch Christian A. while we honeymoon. Jeanie is pregnant with Sawyers child and he is thrilled.
Andy Thatcher
I can't get a chance to look at the baby since Jeanie had him she gave him to Christian Grey apparently he is the guy she cheated n me with. Security caught me trying to see him in the nursery. The birth certificate has only Anastasia and Christian Grey and nothing about Jeanie or me. I still can't find out anything and they have filed restraining orders after I tried to end the pregnancy by trying to run Jeanie down. Luckily they couldn't prove it was me so they could file charges. My dad is pretty mad at me not accepting responsibility of the baby. He wants me to demand my rights. Going against a billionaire and his genius wife is something  I can't do if Jeanie is not on m side and she isn't. Dad doesn't know that I signed over my rights sonI wouldn't have to pay child support on the child. Jeanie insisted upon it after I told her to get rid of it. She failed to mention that Christian Grey was the guy she cheated on me with and possibly the father of the baby as well. I would have never signed the documents. She got those documents out of her purse and we had them notarized the same day. I got a notice that they were on file with the courts.
Brian Thatcher
While the Grey's are on their honeymoon I plan to get the DNA done on the baby. When I tried they told me only the adopted parents have that right and since both biological parents signed their rights away there was nothing anyone could do since it has been over a year. Andy failed to mention he signed his rights to the baby away. We could have gotten some cash from the Grey's. Jeanie won't tell me anything due to an NDA. Plus she has a restraining order against my son for her, her family and the whole Grey family. I called a friend of mine and had him tried to get a DNA testing on the chid and my son.
I just got a call from a good friend about Brian Thatcher and his attempts on getting the DNA testing on Grey and his adopted son. Man is this guy going for the gusto. There are only a select few that know who the real father is and the DNA reports are sealed. Austin Lassiter is a good friend and he knows what side his bread is buttered and what part is burned. I have helped him to get custody of his son from his hooker of a wife so he owes me big time. We changed the names and he works for me internally and his son is in our daycare facilities for free. Ana started it up when we hired women and men who had no spouses or both worked. Sherwood was right about her changing the world for the better and it may be a small part, it is huge to those who need it.

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