Anas Death?

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I am sitting in my living room mom is talking and I am done with my tea, I can't seem to get the fuzziness out of my head. My back is hurting from the furniture at work I think. I start walking towards the kitchen and everything goes dark.
I can't believe it, Ana is barely breathing. I call Sawyer and the Christian and then 911 and then Gail to watch the children. The ambulance isn't quick enough for me. I start chest compressions to get Ana breathing again. The Emts get me out of the way to put a vent on Ana. Her color is bluish. Gail calls Ryan to pick up the kids from daycare and school. They keep working on Ana.
I found the needles after hearing Ana is not breathing. Christian is calling Grace and his family and Ana's father. He is barely holding on as I drive him to the hospital. I had O'Shea come with us and bring the needles I searched for in the furniture. After I saw the mark I moved fast on getting everything done including the locks changed after the office was cleared out. Stella said Jean the new intern from HR had been hanging out around Ana's office. I am having Grace run labs on these after we got fingerprints off them and used plastic bags and surgical gloves to handle them. A detective friend is meeting me at the hospital.
I barely am able to tell mom to meet us at the hospital. Taylor takes the phone and continues the calling. I pray my wife is alive after what Taylor found in her furniture it's surprising we don't have others in the ER as well. I jump out when we get stopped at the ER and Taylor follows me with the bag in his hand. A gentleman is waiting for us and shows us his detectives badge. Mom leads them away and asks me to wait for her there. I pace and Mia, Elliott and dad arrive. Ray arrives and says Carlas back with Ana right now, but is coming to the waiting room.
I can't stop crying Ana is on a ventilator and in a coma. They don't know if she will live and they have ran bloodwork and waiting for the results. I hug Christian and then cry on Ray's shoulder. I blubber and tell him they are waiting on bloodwork. I whisper to Ray she died three times before we arrived here. He hugs me and says don't tell Christian that. I nod and we sit down and wait.
We found out what was in Ana's system they are giving her charcoal and something to reverse the effects of the drug cocktail they had in those needles. Detective Charles Randolph has the evidence and we are waiting for Ana t respond to the treatments. Someone went to a lot of trouble to kill Ana and if Carla hadn't been there they might have succeeded. No one would have noticed but the mark on her back was getting bigger and swelling along with hurting.
Mom takes us back where Ana is at and a police guard is standing by the door. They let us enter and Ana is on a ventilator I rush to her and beg her not to leave me. Mom rubs my shoulder and tells me the charcoal has cleared up a lot of the drugs. But they had to do a counter agent to the other drugs.
Taylor told us not to allow anyone we don't know into the room. He said someone was very seriously trying to kill Ana this time. He said they looking at a few co workers of Ana's. Someone had access to the office keys and used them to place needles with drugs in them inside Ana's furniture where she might sit.
I go and have a talk with Carrick and Taylor. Carla went to visit Ana. I ask them if they know who is behind Ana being drugged.
We have four suspects and the list is getting bigger. Whoever it is, knows what they were doing. We have a nice size list at this point who are very capable of doing this kind of thing. I have teams working on finding out who exactly did this to Ana. Apparently she was one of the targets. We weren't aware of the other issues until now. I have hired extra security and have had them check videos of things involving any ambulance taking a GEH employee to the hospital for sudden collapse. Welch is now in the hospital and recovering. We sent someone over and they went through anything and everything. Then we looked into his office at GEH, it was only at the GEH building. But why Welch and Ana only. I call Sawyer and O'Shea and have them check files that Welch and Ana were working on together. We finally are able to talk to Welch, but he is still fuzzy at this point. They definitely were after Welch and Ana. I have them go through files prior to their jobs at GEH. Three people stand out and one is behind bars, well I hope they are. The problem is that this comes on the heels of George Anderson and his manipulation of us and Gia.
Taylor is working around the clock and so are a lot of security. Ana had two more near death instances. We also discovered someone sneaking into her and Welches rooms. Bill Vinson dressed like a dr and later we found out he was a dr and had heard through the grapevine about the drugging of Welch and Ana. He is working on an FBI case using this same kind of mixture. Grace knew of him and said he was in the area on another case, but had no idea how it would involve Ana or Welch. Dr Vinson said the FBI needs access to records on one particular employee. Ana says Gerard Hargrove barely after they were able to take the tube out of her mouth. She was having a nightmare.
Christian asks me why Ana would be having nightmares about a Gerard Hargrove? I tell him that the guy was a real sexual predator and tried to rape Ana when she worked for Lincoln. Sherwood called Welch in and Gerard was sentenced to assault on a minor child. He worked in pharmaceuticals and had attempted drugging Ana. Ana refused his offer of a drink he brought for her. He then made moves on her anyway. He would definitely be out a long time ago. He gives me the file name and number for both him and Ana. They both keep up on his whereabouts. I guess Ana had discovered he was in town and possibly following her. She didn't want to worry me so Welch had added a few people to her security teams. They spotted him, but he gave them the slip.

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