The Truth

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The Thatcher family has made a huge deal over my son Christian Alexander. Jeanie and Thomas Sawyer have called me on my honeymoon and so have dad and mom. We had to cut or honeymoon short and head home because they found a judge that signed for a DNA test. I would have thought by looking at him they could tell he is my son, since he looks nothing like the Thatchers and just the reddish hair is his moms and mine. She has brown eyes and our son has Grey eyes just like mine. The news has caused a lot of paparazzi to pay attention to all of this and we had to hire extra security and they flew to our Aspen home along with Jeanie and Thomas so she could be safe because she is expecting soon. Mom and dad took little Christian and went with the Sawyers. Now we have to meet the judge and I am going to file a counter suit against the Thatchers. Because the DNA testing was already done and I am 99.9 percent out of one hundred percent his father. Now we have to deal with these people and the media crocs they created over untrue allegations that my so is their family.
I can't believe this situation, Christian had the DNA done and Jeanie told the Thatchers that the boy was not their sons, but they just didn't want to believe it and finally found a judge who ordered another DNA test. Christian just didn't want people knowing his son was born out of wedlock and that he was biologically his. He figured adopting him would be easier on everyone concerned. Now we have a media circus because they couldn't take our word for it. Plus the guy gave up his rights to the child before he was even born. Now his father wants him to fight to get custodial rights to a child that's not his.
Jeanie had to be taken to the ER and luckily I was there and we were able to get her seen pretty quickly Thomas was very worried and we called Christian and he said as soon as they could they were coming home to handle this. They said as soon as Jeanie could travel that me, Carrick, Jeanie, Thomas and little Christian and a full staff of security to fly to Aspen. We pulled the DNA test and had it ready for the judge and we did a swab in the judges office with an independent testing company that we all agreed upon. The media was huge pain and we had security 24/7. Mia and Elliott were being tormented as well. Ana's family pretty much left alone by the media. Of course we forgot about the loose canon Jocelyn her older sister decided to talk to the paparazzi spurting every little detail she could give about Ana including the fact she was escorted off the property by security before she ruined the wedding. Of course she made Ana and the rest of us the bad guys. Then she speculated about little Christian without having any facts. Ana had insisted no one tell Jocelyn anything at all. I told my mom and dad the truth of the matter and asked that they not inform anyone else. Luckily the paparazzi haven't bothered my family since they don't know where they live and the area is not the safest to live in or be in if you don't live in the area. I was with Ana when she tried to get her parents to move into a better home that she wanted to buy them and they refused. When she inherited the money and homes she tried then as well. Of curse Jocelyn had her hand out, expecting to be given everything Ana had been given by Sherwood. In his will he stipulated nothing of his be given to Jocelyn. Apparently he and her sister got into a huge battle about her showing up once too often to try to bully Ana into giving her money and her car. Sherwood called the cops finally on her.
I knew the Thatchers would  cause problems and warned Christian and now here they are and let's not forget about that hateful sister of Ana's Jocelyn spewing half truths about things she knows nothing about. Then she led the reporters to believe that Ana is a greedy person and left her parents to live in a bad neighborhood. Grace told me the whole story about this issue. Between the Thatcher and Jocelyn we now have to go to Aspen to stay until all this clears and for the safety of Thomas and my unborn child. Christian talked my boss into letting me have a leave of absence and is giving Thomas one as well and paying our salaries.
Ana, mom, dad, little Christian and of course my attorney and my security is in the room along with the judge and the Thatchers  along with the nurse and doctor taking the DNA swabs on me, Thatcher and little Christian.  The judge also reminded Thatcher of the paper he signed giving up all rights to Jeanies and his baby before he was born. He told the Thatchers that they couldn't rescind it because it had past the year mark to rescind it. I pulled out the original DNA report from my files and show the judge the information. He then told me that my attorney and my dad had both sent the documentation. He told the Thatchers that if it again comes out that I am the father of little Christian I can sue them for all the expense and punitive damages they caused me and my family and Jeanie.
I am holding title Christian and watching them swab my husbands mouth and then little Christian's mouth. The baby started crying. The Thatchers tried to hold the baby, but the judge told them to refrain from any contact with the child. I don't want them near him period.

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