The Real Danger

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I have a better job, and working after school I drive my parents car or get drove back and forth to work. I work as an accounting assistant at a company close to where we live. Mr Lincoln hired me as a favor to my teacher. Lincoln has never met me, his HR just put me on the payroll and told me who my boss was. I was 14 when I started and could only work so many hours and only until nine pm. I had perfect grades and tested out of most of my courses. My teacher made sure I got credit for the job even though I was so young.
Meanwhile Christian is seeing therapist for his touch issues and none were helping and bullies are intentionally touching him to cause him pain. So he's been defending himself, but he is the one being kicked out of school not the instigators.
Mom is not happy with me and I am not happy that I have this touch issue either. Somehow the bullies found out about it and decided to mess me up, because their girlfriends were hitting on me. So after putting five big football players on the grounds crying in agony I am the one being kicked out of school. Yes we can't be without our jocks can we now? Mom asked and I told her they wouldn't stop touching my chest and back. I told her somehow they found out it was painful and all took turns u til I tried to stop it. I had to put them all on the ground to stop them.
I found out the truth and now I am requiring the school to expel those brutes for taking it upon themselves to cause my son undue pain knowingly. Because they were major players for the football team, they were given leeway and that just makes me angrier. They should be setting examples of good, not examples of how certain students got away with things. Carrick had some words with the school as well. The students started the whole fight. Christian had them all hurting and on the ground. Other students were there and said the players started the fighting.
I can't figure out why Christian was expelled and the football players were given a pass. I mean five guys, couldn't handle my son and he put them all on the ground after they intentionally put their hands on his no go areas knowing about them. The principal recommended we send him to a school that would be better suited for him. I told him that the boys involved would be reported to the school board. He finally conceded and allowed Christian back in, because the boys had been bullying more than Christian and he knew it and so did I. I called all the boys parents and told them if their boys laid another finger on Christian I would make sure they spent time in juvenile. That would definitely screw up their football careers.
Mom and dad went to bat for me and won, the boys and the whole school knew to not touch me and I graduated along with the five football players. They learned their lesson about screwing with me and my parents. Their parents also got a taste of what my mom and dad were capable of. So did the principal. I decided that I would work hard on the touching after my parents went to bat for me so vehemently. It was a year of very difficult therapy, but hugging my family was worth it in the end.
I gave Grace a suggestion of having Christian do manual labor at my home, but she said they had it handled. Ever since Christian became a teen he grew into a nice looking and well built teen. Carrick avoids me at all costs and now both boys do as well. Mias never liked me. So I have not been invited over. I kind of go of my own accord. I am still on some of the charity boards, but it seems that Carrick and Grace are pretty much busy with their kids. Carrick definitely doesn't like me at all. I guess my coming onto him could be the reason. I have had my eye on getting Elliott or Christian alone in my home and in my special room in the basement. I am getting quite bored of my pet of six months. His father has became suspicious of our activities and he has to be let go before they catch on. Richard is too busy to notice what I am really doing. I go to his Seattle branches and have accounting write me a check for various reasons. As long as I have a receipt we are good.
I am told not to be seen if Mrs Lincoln comes to the office, she's not the nicest person. So they have hidden me out in filing and cataloging the receipts. Lately duplicate invoice and receipt numbers have been brought in by several employees. Then the biggest of all was brought in by Mrs Lincoln. I alerted my bosses and they said they will handle it and to just copy everything and give it to them. The amounts were huge, luckily I have nothing to do with okaying the amounts she is spending. I mean a hundred grand for miscellaneous expenses. IRS would definitely be interested in that one. So I just copy the questionable ones and the duplicate. Jack Hyde's especially were as odd as well. My boss mr Sherwood just kept files on everything and called mr Lincoln about the issues. He told me to just keep a log of all the issues and who and give him a daily report.
Mr Sherwood
I called mr Lincoln as soon as Mrs Lincoln came and asked for a hundred thousand dollars. He told me to give it to her this once, but not the next time. He asked to give him everything that she turned a receipt for since we got married. I had Ana pull all the files and we worked the weekend and found everything. His wife was draining cash off in various amounts since just after they married. In 15 years the money came up to 4.3 million dollars. I told Ana to go home and to let me handle everything from now on. Somehow I think we might be in danger. I told her I was going to recommend her to a friend and would make sure she got a months salary. She just turned sixteen and my friend knows how good she is at detailed work. He works in security and can use someone to help out in accounts as well. Welch will assure her safety as well. Robert Welch is a good man and after I give mr Lincoln all the information on both Mrs Lincoln's activities I am handing him mr Hyde's activities. I am also following Ana to work for Welch. I am retirement age and my pension will start when I retire and I put it in a week ago.

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