Christians Plans For Ana

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The kiss was short and sweet and the waiters timing was bad, but I liked the kiss very much so. The second I saw Ana I made plans of making her mine and no one else's. I know women usually have pictures of their weddings. I was surprised by the dream I had about Ana coming toward me in a gorgeous wedding gown. Her father guiding her down towards me and our families and friends watching as we say I do and kiss after we place our wedding bands on our fingers. I woke knowing we were meant to be and I was going to make sure that dream happened just like the dream I had of becoming a billionaire and could help the hungry and poor of the world. I need to remember Ana's feelings every step of the way and tell her mine if we will achieve my goal. My mom will be thrilled to meet anyone I bring as a date. They know I date, but they were never brought home although they had met some of them. Some went out of their way to introduce themselves to my parents. One was invited to dinner, but I was on a date and couldn't join my family that night. My mom decided inviting ladies I have went on dates with for dinner was a bad idea. Elliott slipped and told her in front of my parents I was out with lady I met during negotiations. Of course it turned into a couple of nights in her hotel room. My phone rang off the hook by the lady calling while I was with Jeanie in her shower. I called Taylor and then my mom, I informed my mom that the lady called me all night long. She agreed to not invite my dates over ever again.
The kiss was pleasant until the waiter interrupted us. His lips were soft and gentle. I think he was about to deepen it when we heard an ahem next to us. Our security team was at the closest table to us eating there meals. We placed our orders and he chose a wine for his meal, but I chose water for my beverage. He made some dinner recommendations, but I have ate here several times so I knew what I wanted to eat. Men try to impress me by bringing me to expensive places to eat. Luckily he actually owns the place so he just likes the privacy he gets. The men also had expectations and so did I. I expected them to be gentlemen and they expected me to have sex with them for the expensive meal. Not a hooker buddy. I pretty much had to knee a couple in their favorite spot. Then had security call me a cab home. Since I met them during work they knew who my bosses were and stopped bothering me for another date knowing nothing would one of it. One guy tried again, but the waiter caught him drugging my water. He called the cops on him, since it wasn't the first time he tried to drug his date they provided cctv footage and he's off the street for a few months now. Christian is asking to hold my hand and to kiss me makes me have hopes for a continuation of that and more of the same.
Grey let me know to go get the car and have Sawyer wait to escort him and Ana to the car. I love eating at this place and it costs me nothing. Mr Grey has a standing order to allow his security and some staff members to eat here free of charge. He even has them bill him along with the tips included. I have asked mr Grey for time off for Gail and I to get married. He not only is giving me the time off, he is making sure we have a beautiful honeymoon and use of one of his jets all on him. He set up a home with staff to wait on us hands and feet. So I told Gail to choose a place. Welch and Gails sister are coming to be our witnesses at city hall. That's two weeks from now. I am now waiting by the car for Ana and Grey. Jeanie Davis the lady Christian spent two days in the hotel asked me if Christian was available for a repeat. I told her he was on a date and it would not be a good idea for her to stick around. I mean a month and he hasn't called you, should give you a clue. Him being on a date is another clue.
Jeanie Davis
I loved my two days with mr megabucks, I want more. I called him a few times and no call backs. Well let's see what he says in person and get a look at his date. I wait where Taylor can't see me and watch as he types into his phone. Christian and a guy I don't know walk off the elevator. He has his arm around a brunette and leans down to kiss her lips. The other guy is looking around and he sees me. He whispers something in Christians ear and I see Christian say something to the girl she goes with the guy and I head to Christian. Taylor immediately shows up.
I tell Ana a lady I went out with is hanging around waiting for him and he needs to let her know that he is not interested in continuing his relationship with her such as it was.
I guess someone he dated is lurking about and wats to talk to him. He explains and then kisses me before asking me to go with Sawyer. I watch as Taylor approaches us and heads to where Christian is about to face a redhead who looks like a model. It doesn't look good as she hands him a paper he looks at it and frowns.
Jeanie we were in agreement you and I just had sex and nothing else, your fiancé was out of the picture and you needed a sexual outlet. She hands me a document stating she was four weeks pregnant. I tell her I want a doctor of my choosing to confirm her pregnancy and a DNA test as well. I also explain that I am not marrying her if that's what she hopes for. Taylor listens and he hands her his card and number. She's signed an NDA and can't talk about us or the baby. I tell her that I will make sure she gets the best medical treatment and care for her and the baby mine or not. She nods her head and I tell her my girlfriend is waiting for me. I haven't asked Ana yet, but I hope this doesn't sidetrack me.
I watch as the lady hands Christian a piece of paper. My mind goes to several thoughts. One being that he is looking down at her tummy, makes me believe she's pregnant and it might be his. He is talking calmly to her and Taylor is giving her his card and she isn't crying. So Christian must be saying he will support her and the baby. He heads this way and Taylor opens the door and Christian sits by me.
Ana how do you feel about babies?
I love babies why?
Well the lady might be having my baby soon and we weren't in a serious relationship so I am not marrying her. But I am gong to make sure the baby mine or not is given its best shot in life. Mine or not that baby and his mother deserve the best care I can give them.
I grab Christian and kiss his lips gently and then we are making out in his car. We arrive at my home and he kisses me goodnight and asks me to be his girlfriend which I am only his second one. He is my first boyfriend I tell him. One more very passionate kiss and he bids me good night. I have very nice dreams of Christian and I exchange text messages. We are playing with a small boy and his mother arrives with her husband to pick him up. Then I dream of our wedding in our backyard. We look happy and our families are there. My sister was escorted from the premises after trying to ruin the wedding.

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