The Fight Begins

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I refused to do the DNA and encouraged a meeting between Tiffany and Christian to talk about my reasons for it, but the judge saw right through that and said even though he couldn't compel me to have me tested for paternity purposes he would hope I would want to prove I was the father of both boys and he wants to have Myrna do a test as well. This judge is on the ball and I had to delay the inevitable and do some more fabrication of legal documents. Namely getting a forged document giving me custody if Andy with Ellas signature on it which shouldn't be too hard to do. She's not around to say he didn't sign it and the pimp won't be believed or have a witness to what happened back then.
If I were you I would get that DNA test done and I am working on arranging a meeting with Christian and I alone.

Ana is watching me like a hawk and she's no dummy. I mean I sat down and moved my chair closer to his. She switched chairs and moved hers closer to mine and whispered I know what you are trying to do and trust me he knew the second you walked into the room and we waited for your chair moves and here I am between you and my husband at his request. That's why they are considered a power couple, both geniuses in their own right. I just smiled and said whatever do you mean.
Oh yeah play it that way Tif, because you have a reputation for bragging about landing the great Christian Grey married or not. I doubt he wanted a skank gold digging second class shark ambulance chasing chum eating attorney for a wife. That's why he married me two weeks after we started dating lol. Chew on that chum in the water for a while. If you are trying to get an appointment alone with him think again. Security has your name and number and knows to make sure you are never alone with him. Let's not forget I won't allow it either. Brian has no clue who he is dealing with and neither do you.
I lean in and say loud enough for Ana and Tiffany to hear me that Taylor is filing a restraining order against against Tiffany as we are here, she failed to notice dad left the room with Taylor when she pulled the chair stunt. Ana turns and says well that solves that.
He will have you prosecuted and that fancy law degree and license will go bye bye if you contact him in any way shape or form. So brain is hiding something else if he had you come looking like that and we will find out what it is soon. He should have let sleeping dogs lie. I mean if they both had the same parents and Ella is one of them, and Andy isn't adopted then he must be father to Christian as well. But what about the birth certificate? I am betting Christian is wondering about that as well.
I handed the restraining orders to Tiffany and told her to read them into evidence. Her face turned red and read the papers out loud. After we get through with this meeting mr Miller here is who you will meet with alone or not regarding all of this fiasco your clients caused. I brought several witnesses to testify about your bragging about landing my son Christian married or not. Using this meeting in an attempt at that is very disrespectful to all involved here. My son and Ana are one step ahead of you young lady remember that.
The judge listens and he says that Brian and Tiffany are not allowed in the court room with the Grey's after they get the results of all the DNA testing. So now he has ordered more DNA testing and Myrna is going to need to come in and answer some questions. The DNA testing will be for Brian, me, Andy and Myrna. Since her name is on the official birth certificate they want to find out if she is our mother. I doubt she is and that means that Andy's not her child as the birth certificate has her name as the mother. We think Brian is our father and Ella is our mother. Andy is a year older than me.
My dad seems very nervous, but what's worse is his attorney was trying to make the moves on Christian in front of his wife. It didn't take long to get a restraining order against her. Carrick Grey got it in less than an hour. But hey he's wealthy and well known for winning battles in court and son of a billionaire doesn't hurt a bit. I am gettin suspicious of my dad and I know that mom or Myrna has always been indifferent towards me. I have always wondered why I never had any siblings. I don't look anything like them. But after seeing photos of Ella I resemble her a bit. All this started because dad wouldn't just let it go concerning little Christian. Now we have to go through even more, I am sick of all of this and betting Christian is as well. After Tiffany's escapades Ana is more than irritated with my dad at this point. He deliberately hired that whore knowing she was after Christian hoping it would rattle some cages. Well it did, but calmer heads took charge and filed restraining orders against her.
I inform Christian Grey that the newspapers have gotten wind of this meeting and I suspect that Brian Thatchers attorney had him call them regarding the hearings.
Make sure we have extra security Taylor and keep Tiffany away from me. Keep Brian under surveillance from here on out. He's up to something big and it involves Ana, I am sure of it.

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