Gia Matteo Bad Egg (Warning Mature Content)

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Kate has warned me about Gia and has limited her direct contact with him. I also make sure she is no where near him. I alerted his security, but apparently Christian has also alerted them to keep Gia away from him all costs. Apparently she has a bad reputation for breaking up marriage for the fun of it to see if she can. Mine is on her bucket list of a marriage to break up. But she wants to keep Christian.
I hired someone to follow miss Matteo at this wedding and several to shadow Christian Grey. I actually found Gia in Christian and Ana's bedroom looking through things. I escorted her out and locked the doors on the room. I informed Kate about her friend and bridesmaids antics and she recommended I keep the room locked and give Ana and Christian the extra keys. She also recommended I add extra men and women to Gia, because she is sneaky and would try to trap Christian someplace like the men's room.
The manny's and nanny's have taken over the children's care and I am walking with Ana hand in hand when she has to use the restroom. The restrooms are side by side so we and our security head there. Something is a bit off when I walk into the restroom, but 7 sure what it is until I see a very naked Gia walking towards me. I immediately walk out and have security drag her naked ass off my property. Security is running behind her trying to cover her up, while anyone who can is recording her being dragged out of the restroom and naked while I am fully dressed. I knock on the ladies room and Ana opens the door to see a screaming Gia yelling he raped me , he raped me. I tell security to bring her clothing back here immediately and give her a tablecloth or something else.
Put all those clothes in a plastic baggie and seal the bags up inside make sure we get them to an evidence box. With her yelling he raped her, we have to have her examined at the closet hospital and make sure it is examined by independent people with no ties to the Greys or mis Matteo. He was only in there for a minute if that. Cctv footage will prove that. Ana is in shock and she allows him into the ladies room after asking the other women to leave so Christian and her can be alone. He of course used the restroom. We sealed off the men's side and had the police investigating for any signs of rape in the room. No evidence of rape was found on miss Matteo. But she definitely had sperm present vaginally.
Ana knew I didn't rape Gia and so did anyone else, but how did she acquire my sperm? It was my sperm, but no other DNA was on her or me. They tested me thoroughly. What we didn't know was how thorough Taylor and his team had been. Apparently Gia had been found in Ana's and my bedroom and Taylor forgot. I told him that there were used condoms in the bathroom that Ana and I used. So he had them checked for DNA for Ana, Gia and myself. Only one of the condoms were untied and empty of sperm and it was the only one with Gias DNA and particularly her vaginal fluids on the inside of the condom. They then ran the same kind of test on the tied ones each one sealed to assure accuracy of the tests. Ana's DNA was only on the outside of the condoms. Including the one with Gias. I was released and had a court date and after a month they found me not guilty. But they arrested Gia two months later. She had gotten pregnant and was informing everyone it was my child. Being wealthy has its ups and downs. My attorneys have pointed to the facts of the case against miss Matteo and her theft of my condom and my sperm on my brothers wedding day. They did have a great honeymoon on Ana and I. Kate became pregnant when she wanted to on her honeymoon.
Well, well I am pregnant, but serving time for sperm theft. Fraud and committing perjury. I inform my attorney of my pregnancy and he says if it's Christian Greys you will not be able to keep the baby. He has a legal right to that baby and you don't. Because you stole his sperm you have no legal rights to the baby.
George Anderson
Listen Gia you have lost your mind if you think Grey will allow you to keep his child no matter what that baby being his has sealed it's fate and you can't keep it. But if it isn't his he has no rights to it. Believe me they already know you are pregnant due to your huge mouth. I mean having someone from the press come and talk to you last week and it hitting the news. The fact is he had witnesses to the entire events of that day including his security teams and the cctv footage of you and you were being followed. You were found guilty because you were guilty. Because of speculation they reviewed all the information and re interviewed all the witnesses and questioned all the jurors. The evidence was not tampered with and the jurors, judge, prosecution and witnesses were above reproach. The baby will be taken from you and immediately tested and either be given to Grey and his wife or to a foster parent. Unless you know the fathers name.
The baby is Christians and mine. Like I said he raped me.
Right he raped a naked women in a public men's room with his security and wife seconds away. He was fully dressed and none of your DNA was on him. His head of security made sure an independent medical team checked him over. You were examined and they said a few things and trust me it was obvious you hadn't had sex with anyone because of where they found the sperm. They measured Grey as you recall in the medical testimony. If he had indeed raped you the Fallopian tubes would have been damaged and they weren't and no sperm were found that far inside your uterus. It was found where your fingers would reach and only about a fourth of an inch from there. Must we go over this again and again. I am going to get a psychiatrist to talk to you soon. You need help.

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