Teddy Grey And Ava Grey Arrival Party

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Nothing like a welcome to the family party, Ava was fussy at first and then entertained everyone with her new found squeals. She scared herself at first and then she realized it was her doing it. Mom and dad are amazed at having a grand daughter. Ethan loves having a niece. Mia and him compete for best aunt and uncle. Christian has paid for the furniture for Avas nursery as an apology for not being there when Ava arrived. Ana and Christian are officially Teddys parents no thanks to George Anderson. Brian and Andy Thatcher was pretty angry after finding out about George's antics. The Bar Association suspended his license in Washington state and have sent information to other states about his actions here in Seattle. Carrick handled all of that.
Teddy was welcomed by the kids and family as well. Carrick made sure no one could try to get any trust funds we set up for him ever. George was familiar alright we were looking at Christian in an older version. Carrick asked Christian what he wanted to do, Christian said throw the book at him.
My grandfather threw my mother out on the street for being pregnant with Brian's kid. I can't forgive him for that or trying to gain custody of my child and any trust funds or inheritance he might be given or entitled to. Dad showed me the documents and then told me the CPS person let him know that the papers he was trying to have Gia sign weren't for them to get custody, but for him to get full custody of him and gain control of any and all trust funds or inheritances Teddy might get.
George Anderson
I can't believe Carrick came in and stopped Gia from signing my papers. CPS handed him the real documents for the adoption and all the other papers. Carrick kept the papers with my name all over them. He than informed Christian that I was his grandfather on his mother's side. So he looked at me and told his dad to give him what he and Ana should sign and he would collect Teddy and leave. He told Anderson not to bother him again. He said that he is dead to him like him and Andy were to him and because he allowed Ella to die in squalor he wanted nothing to do with him.
I ask how Ana is doing with Teddy and she says he is adapting, but is a bit unsettled still. The other children are happy about having a younger sibling and now a cousin who is younger. I chuckle knowing that is typical. I hold Teddy and visit with my other grand babies as well. Little Christian is in first grade and the twins are attending daycare. David is in kindergarten and loves it. Ana looks ill, I can't get it out of my mind. But something is wrong with her.
Mom keeps asking if I am okay and I tell her I am just a bit ill and my back is hurting me. I stand up to clear our cups and head to the kitchen when everything goes black.
Sawyer and Carla both call me at the same time. Ana's on her way to the hospital. She blacked out and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. I call mm and she says she will meet us at the hospital. Mrs Taylor or Gail is watching the kids and Ran will be bringing the others home. Ana had been in pain after an incident a work. Her chair had to be replaced after it was damaged by a co worker. Something sharp kept hitting her in her back. I noticed a odd mark on her back. I insisted that she throw the chai out. Taylor wanted a look at the chair after I showed him the mark on her back.
As security I know when chairs are brought in to the company. The chair for Ana was new and it would take a lot for it to be damaged. I told mr Grey that I wanted to know how the chair was damaged. I had it brought to security and asked what co worker damaged it?
I think Ana said it was a new employee named Stella Ross. She said it had a tear in the material on the area she leaned against. She finally changed the seat until she got a new one. Then she noticed there was a sharp edge poking her in the back in another chair, so she thought it might be a manufacturer flaw. She changed to the sofa and it happened again. I had Taylor check the cctv footage and track Stella Ross and her activities. I had someone remove the furniture in Ana's office. I had the locks changed on Ana's office door. I order all new furniture for her office and only security is allowed in her office. Taylor had her old things moved to an empty office we keep next to security for things like this.
I find needles in the furniture. They were hypodermic needles and whoever placed them knew what they were doing. He had them tested and fingerprinted. Stella Ross has a clean record and I guess when she damaged the chair she was attempting to find out why the chair had caused her pain in her back. But apparently the needle had fell into the foam sideways and ripped the material just before falling down. Stela got worried about Ana and asked after her. At that point she told me that after an appointment with a new intern she noticed the girl hanging around Ana's office.
Stella Ross
I had a long talk with Taylor about Jean Duncan a new HR intern and she was asking a lot of personal questions about Christian. Ana told her she shouldn't concentrate on the CEO, but just do her job.
Jean Duncan
I am going to get rid of Christians wife so I can take her spot. I have to be careful or I might be caught. I finally found a way in HR has keys to all the offices so I get a janitors uniform and set the needles in each of the chairs. Today the emptied the office f everything. Then the next day the doors can't be opened by the keys I have. I try to locate the new eyes, but someone comes in and I move to the chair.
Felicity Parsons Head of HR.
Jean was trying to pen the drawer to the office keys. I pretend I don't know what she has done. Security has placed cameras everywhere now. We are told not to discuss ms Grey's condition.

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