The Date

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I have never asked an employee to dinner, but miss Steele intrigued me the moment I saw her. She dresses in nice clothing but it's not designer clothing. But it isn't something you have ever seen in stores. I am anxious about taking her out, Taylor said to be myself but nicer lol. I think my club is where I want to ask her to be my date for a charity event. I have never brought a date, but Ana is different. She treats me like I am a regular person and not like other women who want me for my money, social standing and body and forget I have a heart and soul.
This is the first date I have never seen mr Grey nervous about a date. I offered my advice and he chuckled about being himself but nicer. Ana seems like a very nice lady. I hope it works out.
I get ready for the date with mr Grey and dress semi business casual with a little sex appeal added. I am ready for a nice evening. The buzzer at the gate rings and Sawyer says it's mr Grey and Taylor are here to pick us up. I grab my purse and my jacket as well. My security is at the cctv and have allowed them up and a knock at the door alerts me to their arrival. Sawyer answers the door and allows mr Grey inside and we are ready to go.
Wow, just wow, Sawyer said Ana lived in a nice place, but I had no idea how nice. The place is gorgeous and so is its owner. Her dress is simple but elegant. She walks Ike a dream. I feel my heart skip a beat. I reach out for her hand and kiss her cheek. Her hand is warm and welcoming. I feel good holding her hand and once in the car I ask if I can hold it again and she allows me to hold it. We talk about our families. I know she has six siblings, but she doesn't see them often. She stays busy and she doesn't really want the issues one of her siblings causes to her life. That sister is jealous and thinks Ana inherited her bosses property because she had sex with him. She assured me that wasn't the case at all. Ana was basically family to him, she took care of him until he died at work.
I told Christian how I came to inherit from my boss Sherwood. He died after we went to work for Welch. Which was shortly after Lincoln sod his company to GEH. So she and Sherwood worked together for nearly seven years. She saved him from getting accused of something he wasn't guilty of dong and proved his innocence. Her teacher recommended her to Sherwood because her abilities in finding issues and fixing them or finding the guilty parties. We make to his club where we are led to a private dining area. I got some dirty looks as he held my had and we followed the wagging female butt to the table. I was waiting for her to back into Christians front like a cat in heat does. We finally arrive and Christian pulls out my chair for me. Felicity tells us the server will be back to take our orders. He moves closer and says this.
Anastasia I would like to get to know more about you and would love if you joined me at a charity event, would you go with me to my parents even this weekend?
He tells me I will be his first date he would ever take to an event like this. Because he has never felt his other girlfriends never measured up to meeting his parents in his eyes. I ask him why me? We are out on our first date and you feel like you would think me worthy of meeting your family?
The others were all about my money, social status and my looks. You accept me as an equal and look past all of the other things and want to know the real me and I could tell that you do that with everyone. It is why mr Sherwood found you worthy of giving you a shot at 14. It is also why he felt that you would not waste the opportunity you were given. He left everything to you instead of a charity, which tells me that he felt like you were family. Plus I like how you dress and you aren't hung up by designer labels. Your clothing shows sophistication without being obvious. My sister Mia will most likely ask who the designer is that you are wearing be prepared.
Well I am the designer and I make my own clothes. I hate spending exorbitant amounts on clothing, when I can make something for less and to my tastes. Is the even formal? If so I have to figure out something to make and find the right materials.
Do you have the time to do all of that? I can arrange for a complete outfit if you don't.
I am sure I can make something in time. What time and day is it going to be?
Three days at eight o'clock I will pick you up at 7:30. That way we can get there early. Oh by the way there will be dancing and auctions. One is a first dance auction and my sister will drag you into participating in it.
First dance auction?
The single ladies auction off their first dance of the evening. I will be bidding on yours of course and I will win.
I don't know how to dance.
I know enough to get us through the dancing. So I will make sure you feel comfortable dancing. Mom and dad taught us to dance, so we could hold our own at these events. I ask if I could give her a kiss on the lips and she nods and I move to kiss her and the waiter enters just as our lips touch.

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