Sam Jones

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Dr Grace Grey
I made sure they put Sam Jones if that is who he really is, in the jail side of the hospital. Welch and Taylor are on him like white on rice. He was part of the kidnap scheme that Ana was taken in. I tell my fellow doctors that he was not a real security for my family. It was a set up. Christian is going home and I am headed there. Dr Flynn is joining us , apparently Christian is having an anxiety attack. So I need to get my medical bag and head to his house. Carrick had to wrap things up at the court house and the cops and building security and Christians security teams. Welch and Taylor have a team watching Sam Jones in and out of lock down for medical testing. He is still unconscious at this point according to his electronic charts. So far they haven't locked my access from them.
We have teams following Jocelyn Steele Rodriguez Ana's sister. Tiffany Randall is a person of interest as well, we had to change people on her regularly because she noticed them and they had a someone replace them quickly. We had a several PIs watching both of them.
Sam Jones
I am laying on a table and machines are making sounds around me. I feel something  around my wrists, I look and I have metal cuffs attached to my wrists. There are guards around me and they inform someone I am finally awake and they can question me now. I look and see two not so happy guys in cheap suits looking at me. According to the doctor someone knocked me out by hitting me in the head with a blunt object and then drugged me. I mean hitting me is one thing, but they drugged me as well. I have been unconscious for twenty four hours at least. A mild concussion is all I have. They know I am involved in the kidnapping. They figured it out very quickly. The cops and detectives are all questioning me between dr exams and tests. A guy pretending to be a dr slithered into my room and told me to keep my mouth shut or I will Ana Grey's same fate. He wouldn't answer me when I asked if she was dead? He smiled and left the room. Okay this is getting too serious, no one was going to get killed according to my girlfriend they just wanted the Sherwood Estate all of it. I need an attorney and not the one involved in the case. I ask for an attorney and a phone call to get h9ld of someone, because I was left holding the bag on this and I know now who is behind all of this. An evil nemesis of Ana's and Christians. After she started finding issues at GEH someone found out she was the one who discovered all the embezzlement at the Lincoln company. He got out because his attorney got his time reduced because of over crowing and good behavior. Now if I can make a deal and get my freedom in exchange for what I know. I just hope Ana Grey is still alive.
I am blindfolded and tied up and can't move. I smell some awful perfume, I know that smell. I hate it. I can't hear anything at all.but I feel air swishing around me and feel like someone is moving around. Suddenly I am pulled up a d sat in a chair and feel something being put around my stomach. I ask to use the restroom. They move me and I feel someone pull my panties down and sit me on the toilet. They wipe me and wash my hands and theirs after pulling my panties up. It's a guy and his cologne smells familiar as well. The fact they have my ears and eyes blocked from seeing and hearing them is a good sign I hope. But it also means that I may know who the are and have care in contact with them at some point. They put me back on the chair and tie me to it. They give me water and feed me food. My ears and eyes feel like something thick is in and covering them that is bulky.
Unknown Female 1
Oh God I think she s:els my perfume, something we didn't think about. I head to the bathroom. No one would suspect we would bring her to a mansion with a well appointed playroom and safe room. My boyfriend rented this for me and had no idea what I would discover, even the realtor had no idea that the Lincoln's had these rooms in this house. I don't think even Richard Lincoln knew. He apparently had no idea Elena bought this home and neither did the lawyers. How I found out was when I discovered a safe in the playroom opened and had some of her documents in it.
Unknown Kidnapper 3
I dropped off the package and was paid the 50k. I could tell that there were two women involved. You can hide your bodies and your shapes, but wearing perfume and the walk is a dead giveaway. The guy came and lifted her like a sack of potatoes while the others did something and took off. I counted the money. I then place the call. They answer on the first ring. Tracker in place, two females and one male took package. The switch has been made and Ana is safely hidden. You know Grey is going to go ballistic when he find out we set up this kidnapping. If Ana knew she wouldn't react the way she needed to. Neither would Christian. Welch checked and their is definite movement at Elena's hidden mansion. I have the fifty thousand all cash.
If we hadn't found out about them scheming to get the amount of the Sherwood inheritance to bring Ana back we would never have known about this plan and been ahead of them on it. We had to keep the Grey's out of the loop. So did they do much talking at all ?
Unknown Kidnapper 3
The women didn't talk at all, the man did, he is not using his own voice. I thought we wouldn't be able to do the switch as quickly as we did. It should be over soon I hope.

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