GEH A Reality

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I finally got everything started and one of the biggest deals was with Richard Lincoln and we were on our way. Roz and I worked our butts off to get everything up and going while we were in college and we did with my grandfather and fathers help. Our first million was earned in my second year of school. I pushed and pushed to get my degree and work my company. Roz and I were always busy and always working and growing by leaps and bounds. When the Lincoln company came up we had the ability to buy it and have a bit left over. Roz and I graduated in two and half years and we bought a building for GEH and we helped Elliott build his company as well. I paid my dad and grandfather off as well with interest. A year later we bought Welch securities for their skills at finding out things no one else could. He brought his whole staff including some great accountants. Apparently one of them started as an accounting assistant at the Lincoln company and she found the fraud and the embezzlement that put Hyde and Mrs Lincoln behind bars. After mr Sherwood died we gave her his position and allowed her to hire two people to help her with her department. She basically works under Welch. I barely see anyone much less people under Welch. He runs a tight ship in another building.
I have been hiring CPOs for the mr Grey and miss Bailey. Jason Taylor was hired as head of security in direct access to mr Grey and his family's. Then he hired more staff as soon as he was put in place and he and I worked getting a computer genius on staff and working to create a secure security system and servers. He would hire his teams as long as they passed all background checks. Just as we started all of this GEH started building a thirty story building and we had to go through and make each floor secure in every way. Even my teams had offices in there. Ana Steele had trained on automated accounting and has kept up on all aspects of it. So GEH had offices in the new building as well as our old building. Us being off site is better in the long run, because plausible deniability. Some things can be in a Grey area in background checks. So we aren't considered a true part of GEH and our building has only and address on it. The name is RW co. Our pay is through a subsidiary set up separate of GEH. Ana is one of the few who gets paid by GEH and the subsidiary. She's been working hard and she's never dated that I know of. I know she works a lot, she calls her mother a lot. She keeps to herself for the most part, she inherited from her previous boss when he died he left her everything. He hired her at 14 from a teachers recommendation. She came from a poor family and doesn't spend a lot on clothes or anything else, she brings her own lunches and dinners. She is thin and never says a bad word about anyone. She is quite beautiful and I think someone will win her heart someday, but not just anyone. I know several have asked her out, but she hasn't went out with them because of how they asked her. One I nearly punched out because of what he called her after she told him no thank you very politely. He called her a bitch lesbian, she came back and told
him, see this is why I said no to you. Nice to know how you really feel about being told no. Try growing up before you ask another lady out. If being turned down makes you insult a lady then they were and are correct to tell you no.
I keep trying to do my job and these guys think they can call me names if I don't want to go out with them. Talk about little boys, men don't call you names if you say no to going out with them. I just ignore them and if they pester me, I sick Welch on them lol. Some are just trying to get into any females panties. Well not this one, I know who is and who isn't a player. The most recent tries to act single and he has a wife and four children and two children by two other women.
After the day I have had today, I still have to go in to GEH and work there for four hours. I finally get to my office and find a tall copper haired man looking over my files on my desk. There's a guy standing next to the door and I look again and ask what they are doing in my office?
I had to check a file that a miss Steele had emailed me about yesterday and informed me that someone made some major errors in their numbers and they did it more than once, it looked like it was intentionally done to throw off the final costa analysis. She also said that when she checked that this wasn't the first time this employee had created this problem for GEH. She sent three other files that the guy sent out without her permission. She believes he is trying to sabotage her job, by going around her and giving the corrupted files to her bosses. Gene Sanders is the guy and he wants her job badly. So her boss called her in and asked her if she signed off on these files without checking them. I introduce myself to her.
Mr Grey I have more files and mr Sanders is giving them to my boss without my signing off on them. I have created three things that show I have checked the files out and no one knows it but me and a close friend. If you look at the pages I mark with a black dot on all four corners of each page of the files. Then I scan them into my computer in an encrypted file. I then sign my name and date and time stamp each document. For extra security I put my initials on the back of each document. As you can see none of that was done and these files are clearly not cleared by me. He checks for the dots and then the initials and I show him the encrypted files and he sees what I am saying is true.
Have Gene Sanders report to HR immediately and clear his office out and keep him there so I can speak to him about a few things.
Well miss Steele your make sure that you know what you have done and haven't done by taking extra steps you protected yourself. I have to say that I didn't think about.
Have enough people trying to get me fired has taught me a thing or two about protecting myself from people who want my job badly, so badly they would sabotage your company. Luckily my boss told me about a few of the saboteurs. I corrected everything and sent the corrected files to her office. Erica Lawrence is no fool she has had someone do this to her as well.
Well I will make sure I check the files and see if he has done this before. Don't work too hard and I am sure you have a husband or boyfriend to head home to soon.
No I have all the time in the world. No one waiting for me at all. So I can finish all this and get it to Erica and then you should get it after that.
Thanks for clearing that up.

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