Gene Sanders

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Gene Sanders
I was passed over for that promotion and that youngster got it. Not only young but a female. She should be home having babies cooking for a husband instead she's here working in a job I should have gotten. So I fixed a few numbers here and there and to them to the other female who took another mans job. These women need to know there place. Now I am out of a job, apparently miss Steele had a way to prove what I took to Erica hadn't went through her hands first to be checked for mistakes. I was fired when Mr Grey was made aware of my tampering with the numbers. Because of the new implementation who did what was documented and I couldn't blame any of my co workers. I was taken by security to HR and signed my termination papers, another security person appeared with my things from my cubicle. I gave up my badge and was told they would mail me my last check. That girl is going to pay for what she caused.
I finally fixed all the issues on the numbers on each of the files Sanders worked on it took me all four hours to fix the ones he got past me to Erica and I got all of them marked with my initials dots and scanned them into their own encrypted files on the system. Erica was happy to get them and I forwarded them on to mr Grey through email. He and Erica will go through the rest of them. While I have to hire a new employee, which won't be hard considering how many people apply at GEH daily. I have to say mr Grey in person is rather hot. But I need to keep my mind off him, he is beyond my reach. Plus I am on his payroll. Just as I was leaving security approached me and asked me to follow them. They pressed the code for mr Grey's floor. 
Taylor, Jason Taylor head of security and my CPO informed me that Sanders was seen across the street watching the building. He recommended that we bring miss Steele to my office and put a CPO on her until we know that she's safely home.
Right now we can't have him arrested, but we can make sure miss Steele is safe. Grey agreed with my assessment of the situation. I was sure he would since I know my business. He has no idea what people are capable of. Especially men when it comes to hurting women out of revenge.
They knocked on mr Grey's office door and the door opened and a big guy looking like ex military guided us inside. Another guy came in with us behind the gentleman's house brought me here. I was asked to take a seat near mr Grey's desk. I was introduced to Mr Taylor, Mr Sawyer, Mr O'Shea,  and Mr Reynolds all CPOs/drivers and security. I still don't know why I am here.
Christian Grey
I am amazed at how beautiful this young lady is, I really didn't read her background checks, because she came over with Welch and had worked at Lincoln's company and she assisted in the fraud and embezzlement charges at a very young age. So trust was never a problem. So when she emailed me the issues with the files I went to her office and checked them out.
So now I have to tell her that Sanders may be a threat to her and me and maybe Erica. So now she has to have a CPO with her at all times until Sanders is arrested. I don't have a clear cut case for sabotage do we can't have him charged for that yet.
Okay so how does this work? Does he stay in my home or in a car outside my home?
If it's okay with you he can stay inside your home making sure no one enters without him knowing. We want to assure your safety. He is outside now watching the building. So we think he is going to try something, unsure what yet. But since you are half his size we think you are his primary target and me the secondary target. I think we should make sure you are safe from him possibly taking retribution against you.
Okay if we are done I am ready to leave which of these guys are coming with me?
Thomas Sawyer is your CPO a replacement every twelve hours. They will introduce themselves to you. Mr Grey will cover all expenses and if Sanders does approach you follow the CPOs directions and let him handle it. If need arises call me, this is my direct number and this phone will be for your use it has a tracker in it if something happens we can find it and hopefully you as well.,
I am watching for miss Steele to leave, she is going to be taught a lesson about me being superior to her. I watch as her car leaves and hop in mine and follow her from a distance.
He's took the bait, he thinks miss Steele is in her car headed home. I am taking her to the hotel as planned and she's okay with it. O'Shea is in the seat behind Bellamy, they are headed to the other hotel.  Once Sanders makes his move, we can have him arrested.
Bellamy don't drive to the valet stand go to the parking garage where a clearly lit and look for cctv cameras and park there. We want him to be caught attacking you on camera.
Yes sir I will, you want him to attack and me to defend right?
That's right and I will make sure you don't get hurt, I hope.
Me too, but I will give what I get and then some if you don't get to him first lol.
I apparently look quite a bit like this guys target. Except for my eyes. I am two inches taller though. So I park and O'Shea is in a position to assure my safety. As soon as I park her jumps out and positions himself where he can grab the guy. I park where I know we can get everything together to assure this man is arrested.
I follow the bitch to a hotel garage and make sure she hasn't seen me or my car following her. She looks like she is reading something as I find her car. I move to the next closet parking spot and sneak up behind her with the chloroform and handkerchief. I get behind her car and wait as she open her car door and shuts the door. She heads to the hotel doors and I grab her and put the soaked cloth over her mouth. God she's strong suddenly I feel something poking me in the back.
Turn loose of the lady now or I pull the trigger. He lets Bellamy go and she drops to the ground. I hit my 911 button and inform them I need backup and an ambulance. I make Sanders get in the ground face down and hands behind his back. I use the cable ties to bind his hands and feet. I search him and he has a loaded gun, masking tape, blindfold knife and an address. I ask him who the address belongs to and he ignore me. I take a photo of everything I found in his pockets and put them back. I made sure I used surgical gloves when I went through everything. Bellamy had to be taken to the hospital for medical treatment. He grabbed her pretty forcefully and when he let her go he pushed her forward and she hit her head and was suffering from the effects of the chloroform. But we have him now and we have to make sure he stays in jail. I call Taylor and tell him the events and what we are doing.
Sanders was out for blood, I am going to have Welch do an in depth background on him after this. Bellamy was a trained bodyguard and he could have killed her. Miss Steele isn't one and from her background she would have been an easy target. No self defense or gun training in her background.
Taylor advising me of what happened and I am glad we sent out a decoy. We were able to catch Sanders in the act and the cctv show him clearly attacking Bellamy. O'Shea made his move very quickly, but he couldn't prevent Sanders from shoving Bellamy to the ground. We are awaiting the medical reports on her injuries. Sawyer got Miss Steele safely to the other hotel.

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