Chapter 12

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I was about to open our car when my father stop me.

"No don't go inside our car."

"Pa..." Mama cut me off.

"It's embarrassing if people might see a prostitute inside our car. You don't belong to us. You're just a mistaken child." I held my tears.

"Go to his car and follow us immediately."

"Yes Papa."

I went to his car and open it when...

"Allow me." He opened it for me.

"Thanks." I'm still mad at him.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"For what?"

"For what happened about us. The truth is I asked you if you're sure and you said yes."

"You took advantage on me."

"I'm didn't we were just drunk last night."

"And now they'll hate me more. I don't have any family anymore. I'll alone now. Why does no one loves me?"

"I do, I do love you Haiti. I think I was love at first sight and it feels like we've met before."



"Aquamarine Pearl Carnelian is my real name. I invented the name what I said last night."

"You're name is familiar to me."

"What's yours?" He cleared his throat.

"Zain Tanzanite Cohen."

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