~ Storm ~



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| welcome to pink sand beach |

Reading the sign as we pulled into the parking lot I was confused.

Never have I heard of a pink sand beach before but of course If I leave up to my husband to surprise me he will do just that.

" okay you got me on this one , is the beach really pink?" I joked.

He gave me a smirk as he exited the vehicle.

" let's find out and see shall we"

Rolling my eyes in a playful way I grab my sunscreen, sandals, and beach towel from out the back.

Grabbing onto sj hands he looked down at me before looking back at the direction we was headed.

" once we come over this bridge you'll see the beach"

Nodding my head I was taken back when we was walking from off the bridge.

It was exactly what the sign said it would be.

The beach sand was very much pink which the sun bounce the reflection of the color into the water making that pink as well.

I couldn't believe my eyes this was by far the most incredible thing I've seen.

" sj you have really been on your game since this honeymoon even started"

Turing his way he just had this cocky grin on his sexy face.

" what can I say when I spoil, I spoil hard, beside your my wife now everything I do for you will be nothing my incredible"

Not wanting to hear him talk any more I just lean up to kiss him.

On top of all this he even had part of the beach private for only us.

What can I say I have an amazing husband.

I was tickled by the coolness of the water that made its way up to my toes.

I than wiggle them into the sand while laying out my towel. 

Unzipping my dress, I nicely placed it over my bag before taking a seat finally.

" wait you not going into the water with me?" Sj frowned.

STORM III : FOREVER Where stories live. Discover now