8. Story Time

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Have you ever just... screamed? I mean like you've been going throughout your day, even week, and at the end you just think everything over. And you just scream. Either it's in your pillow or out loud in the woods. It just needs to be let out.

I'm not a screamer. I can't just scream to get all my anger, or any emotion at all, out. As much as I would want to, my voice won't let me. And I feel like if I were to actually scream and someone heard me it would be soooooo awkward. Like I don't even know what my scream sounds like.

I tend to hit things instead. I punch walls. Sometimes people. Just kinda depends on what is near me. And if I don't have anything, I would punch my thighs. Only becuase I knew they could take the hit. They wouldn't bruise bad so no one would really ask about it.

Now I'm not saying you should punch yourself. It's not a good habit to have and I'm getting rid of that habit slowly. Sense I've gotten my ability, I haven't used it during anger that much. Not like that at least. Little arguments would trigger a little in my palms but when I'm fighting with myself or someone else, I would rather feel it. I would rather have it be said that I punched a guy out cold than saying I used my abilities that I accidentally got to do it for me.

I know I'm weird.

The reason I'm telling you this is becuase I ABSOLUTLY HATE anyone who try's to control me. Unless I wanna be controlled. Meaning if someone tells me how to act, tells me I cant wear something, tells me MY opinion is wrong and anything like that, I will wanna punch their face until you cant tell who they are anymore.

So I'm gunna tell you something else about me. I have big tiþþies. Too big for my body which gives me back pain a lot. They get in the way when I run and when I sleep on my stomach. You may know what im talking about but you may not. Up to you. But one thing everyone can get behind if they have tiþþies is, you get judged no matter what you wear. EXCPECIALLY if they are big.

Of course I get stares a lot and I usually catch whoever is doing it. But this guy. This one guy is setting out for his death today. This is what I'm leading you up to. Oh I should tell you guys also, I hate someone thinking they have to take care of me. Like someone thinking I can't handle myself. It annoys the hell out of me. Ok now here I what happened. Then you can get back to my dailey life at the compound.

A tale by Elissa *imagine a British accent when reading in bold*

T'was a chilly night. I had left the compound to get snacks for my secret stash in my room. Only Tony knows about it becuase I need a car to get places so he let's me borrow one of his. He had me go with him the first time so he would know I'm a good driver. I didn't complain becuase I mean it was his car and I didnt wanna brake it either. So it was like 7 at night. I dressed pretty casual in sweatpants and a tank top. I was only going to the store. When I got there everything was normal. I got a basket and started dropping items. Cheddar sunchips, clear american waters, butterfinger bites. You know, the essentials. I decided to get some chocolate morsels and pretzels and all that to make some desserts for everyone. I walked into the baking isel when I noticed someone similar.

That's when I walked into.... guesssss?????

Bucky. He was holding mini marshmallows in his hand. It's been like a month sense we had that dinner date with everyone. I barely see him anymore at the compound and I just thought he was busy training or missions or something.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered as I walked up to him. He turns and smiled at me. He looked kinda scruffy but it's cute. He's got sweatpants on and a long sleeve t-shirt. His face is kinds stubbly and he cut his hair short. "Why are you whispering?" He whispered back to me.

"Well now that I know you go here, I dont know who else would see me here." We both giggled. I picked up a bag of mini marshmallows and put them in my basket. "So seriously, what are you doing here?"

"Ok your not gunna believe me but I keep a little thing of special snacks by my bed." He held up the marshmallows to me.

"No fucking way." I showed him the stuff in my basket. "I do too!" We both laughed. "You can't tell anyone. Excpecially Steve. I'll kill you." I smirked as I hold up a finger to Bucky.

"I won't tell if you don't." He smiled and he swatted my hand away. "Plus I don't really see Steve much now anyways." He put the bag of marshmallows back down on the shelf.

"Yeah I've noticed that we dont see you much anymore. Which sucks becuase I miss you." I nudged his arm with my elbow. I could see him smile.

"You do?" He got quiet again.

"Of course I do. I miss our motorcycle rides to our little evening dates. I miss making you food. I mean there is only limited times I can make bacon everyday." We both chuckled.

"I just havent felt like dealing with seeing you and Steve." He blurted out. He took a long sigh while looking at the ceiling.

"Me and St-" I got tapped on the shoulder and I turned around to see a tall guy standing behind me. He also looked scruffy but not in the same way Bucky did. He was older and had a suit on. You could tell it was cheap though. A scuff on his shoe and a fake Rolex.

"Excuse me?" His voice was deep. At first it scared me but I didnt wanna act afraid infront of Bucky. "You cant wear that here." He looked me up and down. I let out of chuckle.

"Do you own this store?" I remember asking.

"No but I go here and I think you are too distracting." He reached over and pulled my strap of my tank top up and let go so it would snap on my shoulder. I could feel my heart rate race up so fast. I couldn't believe what this guy was saying.

I looked over at Bucky and I could not stop laughing. I almost fell over becuase of how this guy was acting.

"I'm sorry sir how old are you?" I choked out. He got confused for a second.

"42." He still looked pretty confused and to be frank so did Bucky.

"Ok so you need to get help if your 42 and cant control what's in your pants." Bucky eventually pulled me away from the man and we started walking out of the isel.

That's when I hear the man say something that makes me wanna kill all men like him off this earth. His said, "whore". I was about to end this fuckers life if Bucky wasnt there to stop me. I remember running to the guy and socking one to his face before Bucky picked me up on his shoulder and walked us out of the store.

"What's the matter with you?" He placed me down besides my car. I was so angry I wanted to kill that guy.

"Why can't I do anything without being judged? I mean I cant even go shopping in clothes that I'm comfortable in!" I could actually feel tears build up behind my eyes.

"I know it sucks but you can't act like that in front of other people. You know what can happen." He put his hands on my shoulders. At that time I just took many deep breaths to calm myself down and I agreed with him. He had eventually went inside and paid for all of our stuff. We shared a big of mini marshmallows and we both drove back after that. We raced as he was on his motorcycle beside me.

Which leads to now. Bucky and I standing in the door way of the compound. Standing in front of us like 2 strick parents waiting for their children, Tony and Steve.

The end....

Or is it??....

Just kidding I mean obviously shit happens afterwords I just dont know what happend yet becuase I'm still standing there. And I'm telling you guys this so.... keep scrolling.

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