Far Away Dreams - Age 10 (Elena POV)

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"Get up."

Opening my eyes to the darkness, held back by only one candle, I see the face of the warrior in my mother's court I've grown so fond of over the years.

"Fenrys?" I murmur sleepily, trying to keep my eyes from drooping shut again, but the golden-haired male just smiles down at me. "What's going on?"

With an even bigger grin, he clasps my hand that rests on a moon-white pillow in his, and starts pulling me up and out of bed. "Come on, you're going to want to see this, Princess."

Letting my feet and legs pool off the bed and onto the cold floor, I shudder slightly but then call for the aid of my fire and soon adjust to the chill air. His hand still encasing mine, I let him lead me away from my bed and across the room.

When we get to the drawn curtains over the large windows, he stops and turns back to face me with a glint of mischief in his onyx eyes. "Turn around," he whispers, and being too tired to argue, I obey and spin so my back faces him. Gently, I feel a smooth silk-like cloth being placed and tied over my eyes, and half asleep as I am, I can't help but smile faintly.

When his hands pull away from my hair, they move to my shoulders, spinning me back around, and before I know it, I'm up on his back; his strong shoulders making good places to grip with my hands.

"Where are we going?" I whisper into his shirt and lean my heavy head on his shoulder.

"You'll see, Princess." and then as the cold air from outside hits my skin, covered by only my nightgown, I pull myself closer to his warm body, and I practically feel his smile. 

"Hold on tight." he drawls, and that's the only warning I get before I feel him start to climb. Up and up, higher and higher, until I'm sure we're far above my balcony. With each pull of his arms and push of his legs, I cling on harder, afraid of letting go and falling to my death with this band over my eyes, but deep inside, I know he'd never let me fall.

Finally, he stops, and I feel him stand up straight before walking a few paces and stopping altogether. Slowly he twists and uses his arms to pull me around to his chest so that I'm in his arms. Then he bends down and sits, placing me in his lap facing away from him. "Take a look, Starlight." And with that, he pulls off the blindfold.

Opening my eyes to the dark night, I gasp.

All around and above us, shoot thousands of stars. Flying through the sky, and lighting up the darkness with a stream of light and cascading sparkles. On and on they fly, dancing and playing with one another. Shinning in all their glory for a world down below.

I feel Fenrys smile from behind me, and I chuckle myself for the sheer grandeur of it all. Looking around, I see that we're sitting on a more flat part of the roof, and I realize we must be perched above one of the great upper halls of the castle.

"What do you think?" he whispers out into the cold night air.

"They're magnificent!" I hum, staring at the symphony of them all. "Thank you." I hum again and lean back into his chest. Behind me, I feel Fenrys's chest stiffen for a moment, but then expand, and his arms come up around to brace on his knees, grazing against my own.

"You're welcome," he rumbles out quietly, and I smile to myself before twisting slightly to the side, and leaning back into his shoulder with a sleepy hum. "I thought you'd like to be the first to see this little secret."

With his arms and legs wrapped around me, a peace takes over me that somehow only he can bring. Since I can remember, there's always been something about him that reaches and soothes some hidden and buried part of me. And as I burrow further into his shoulder, I feel a soft touch within my soul that was once strange to me but has become something of distant need.

"Why haven't you taken anyone else up here?" I murmur the words into the air, nothing more than a whisper. 

He rumbles out another quiet chuckle, and I feel his soft exhale on my exposed ear as he leans in closer to my fallen head. His scent washes over me, and my eyes track one final star before they droop shut.

Sleep finds me before I hear his reply.



I wrote this a few weeks ago and have been waiting for a good time to post it!

I honestly really like writing about their relationship when she's still young. What do you think?

I hope you guys have a great holiday, and that you've enjoyed this little gift of mine to you!

Merry Christmas everyone, and a VERY Happy End of 2020!!

- Leia 💛 ✨🌙

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