Chapter 29

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Catra's POV

It felt really weird arriving at school today, all the different eyes looking at me. Most of them are from people who normally would've never given me the time of day, but now I'm getting stopped in the hallway every two steps with someone giving me a pity look or saying something pathetic. I've never liked sympathy. Sympathy is just a way for people who think they are better than you "reaching out" attempting to make you feel better by gracing you with their acknowledgment. I knew that coming back to school would be different and tough, but this is just taking it a bit far. I mean even my locker is full of "get well soon" cards and signs. Its sickening. I didn't die or anything, jeez. 

"It's a bit much isn't it? I tried tell them to stop and I ended up taking most down, but they kept reappearing as fast as I took them down." Adora came up behind me rubbing my back gently and giving me her bright smile. That smile just makes me forget about all the anger building up in me from all the pity. 

"Jeez really? I didn't know that so many people cared." I said sarcastically. She let out a giggle understanding where I was coming from. 

"Yeah there's a lot of fake people here who only pretend to care about what happened." She leaned in and kissed me. I smile as our faces part. 

"Hey Adora can you come here real quick? We need your help with something the football team is doing with the cheerleaders for homecoming." Someone who I didn't recognize said from a little down the hall. 

"Coming!" She waved to them saying. She turned back towards me, kissed me, and then left down the hall. 

Crap. I forgot all about homecoming. I don't know how as the school is literally covered in posters about homecoming this and homecoming that. I shut my locker and try to thinking of something special to do for Adora to ask her to homecoming. Gosh, homecoming. I never thought in a million years I would be going to a school dance. Let alone going to the dance with one of the most popular, cheerful, cute, and special girls. I'm so whipped.

I take a seat in class still deep in thought when suddenly someone takes a seat next to me waving their hand in front of my face. "Helloooooooooo, Earth to Catra."

"W-Wha? Oh hey Scorpia! Sorry, I didn't see you come in." 

"Whatcha thinking about?" 

"How to ask Adora to the dance." I say slightly frustrated as I have no idea what to do. 

As if to make things worse someone comes in with a dozen roses dressed up as Batman asking the girl who is sitting in front to be their sidekick to homecoming. Of course the whole classroom cheered and awed at the sight of what just happened. I need to think of something great like that. I need to make this memorable. Why does this have to be so hard? Better yet, why does society have to put this great expectation on us to do some elaborate proposal for a stupid dance? I feel myself getting frustrated at the thought that I won't be able to do anything that special for Adora. 

"Hey there calm down. I don't know what you're thinking about, but your clenching your fists tight and your face got real real serious." Scorpia takes me out of my thoughts again. "Didn't know you hated Batman that much."

"No, its not that. I actually love Batman and Robin. They're one of the best crime fighting duos, but I have no idea what to do for Adora! I want my proposal to be as awesome as that." I throw my hands up in defeat. 

"Whoa there calm down. You just learned about homecoming and lets face it, you hate school dances so of course you never thought this much about it." 

"How are you going to ask Perfuma?" 

"Oh that's simple. She has an obsession with flowers so I am going to get a bunch of pedals and place them in a path from her door leading up to her room where her whole room is going to be filled with her favorite flowers and then some that are going to spell out the words homecoming." 

"She's going to love that. But why can't I think of anything like that!" I start getting frustrated again. 

"You're thinking way to hard about this and you're turning into a wild cat. You need to start slow. What are some things that Adora really likes besides you." 

I think hard for a moment. What are some things she likes? "She likes football, motorcycles, and coffee." 

Scorpia looks at me with such disappointment. "Seriously....that is the best you can do?" 

I pause and think even harder now. I think back to all of our late night text messages when we first started dating and thinking about the decorations in her room. "Well, she's actually a huge nerd."

"Okay, we are getting somewhere now. What kind of nerd?"

"She loves pokemon, video games, and Doctor Who. Her favorite doctor is the 11th doctor, the one with the fez and bowties." 

"Are you serious?" Scorpia raises one eyebrow in shock. 

"Yeah seriously! I know she may not seem like it but she is a huge nerd. I remember when she first told me about it, she went on long rant about it all and her favorite pokemon being eevee way before eevee became a huge thing and why the 11th is her favorite doctor due to his humor and their inspiring way with words." 

"Well dang. I never knew any of that about her. I also happen to be a Doctor Who fan but I gotta say the 10th doctor is far better." 

"Do not let her hear you say that. Otherwise we will all be stuck in a debate about which doctor is better and why. We are actually supposed to start the Doctor Who series this weekend since I've never seen it and according to her that is blasphemy." I smile recalling her shock at the fact that I didn't even know what Doctor Who was. She was so dead set on having me watch the show with her at some point; we just never had the time thanks to Shadow Bitch. 

"I've got it." Scorpia says. 

"Got what?"

"That's how you're going to ask her!"  She actually stood up from her chair from excitement and as she did I understood exactly where she was going. 

"TARDIS." We say at the same time. 

A/N Helllooooo my friends! I intentionally made the doctor nonbinary as I feel that the doctor and the time lords really don't have gender roles or sexual orientations since with each regeneration they can literally change genders; due to this I feel as if the doctor would be a they/them. Also yes, the 10th doctor is amazing, but my heart is with Matt Smith, although Jodie Whittaker is growing on me a lot. So excited for the Christmas special and the new season!! I hope you all are having a great December and celebrating whatever holiday it is that you celebrate so I want to say Happy Holidays! In my other story I asked you guys what is a good thing that happened to you this year? I want to reflect on some positives since there were a lot of negatives this year. 

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