Beginnings of a battle

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Third Person POV

Wolfy sat inside a large room. A room that he hasn't seen before. He sat alongside Laffey and Javelin as Little Bel and Hoody had to sit in a separate part of the room. Wolfy could see a large table in the center of the room as well as what seems to be every single ship at the base in attendance to the meeting at hand.

Wolfy (thought): I guess something important is happening.

Javelin quickly tapped on Wolfy's shoulder and the two looked towards the front of the room. Wolfy soon spotted the Commander along with Enterprise, Prince of Wales, Queen Elizabeth, Cleveland, Belfast, and Warspite all standing around what seem to be a table.

Commander: May I have your attention please?

The room soon went quiet as the Commander fixed his collar and took a deep breath.

Commander: We have unfortunate news.

There was a ripple of confusion in the crowd however Enterprise quickly quieted them down as Wales took out a remote control.

Wales: As you know, we have sent the Royal Maid corps to the Sakura Empire home base to gather information.

There was a reply of affirmation however everything stopped when Wales pressed a button and a picture appeared on the screen.

Wales: This is one of the things we found. It's called a black wisdom cube, and its siren technology.

This brought shock however Wales continued.

Wales: Not only this but also we have sighted Akagi and Kaga working with a high siren officer known as Observer Alpha.

Again more shock among the crowd however all talks stopped as the Commander stepped forwards.

Commander: With this new information, high command has order us to deal with the threat.

There was a small moment of silence until Javelin raised her hand and the Commander nodded, allowing her to speak.

Javelin: How do we deal with the threat?

Wolfy noticed her voice hid fear and the Commander's reaction seemed to make it worse.

Commander: We....

The Commander coughed before fixing his hat and took a deep breath before looking towards Javelin with the best poker face he could muster.

Commander: We have been given orders to engage.

Silence was all that followed. The Commander sighed before nodding to Wales to move to the next picture.

Commander: Today, at 0200 hours high command has intercepted a message between Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, and Sardegna Empire. The message is that they are to meet up at Midway tomorrow at 1300 hours and launch an attack on this very base. High command has therefore ordered me to intercept the Iron Blood and Sakura Empire fleet before they can meet up with the Sardegna Empire's forces as they would be the last to arrive.

The news was a shock however many ships reaction surprised Wolfy. Some of them cracked tehri fists as other almost seemed to be excited to fight against their former allies. Wolfy couldn't help but wonder why is this but his attention was quickly diverted back to the Commander.

Commander: This will be the decisive battle however high command wants the lowest casualties possible. So if possible try to subdue the enemy, however if not available use deadly force. I understand many of you are hesitant to do this, however we must be vigilant. Now, are there any questions?

There where a couple of whispers however Queen Elizabeth stepped forwards and soon the talking ceased.

Q.E: The rest of the Royal Navy won't be able to meet us before the fighting, however they will come if that's a question.

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