Trial Four: Sea of Sorrow Extra! Skype anon!

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Sebastian sighed as he looked at his daughter, he never really assumed that he would ever need the so called emotion love.

But he felt that the trial he was going to face was going to be long and he needed hope more than rage.

He looked at _______ "I leave her to you."

"I won't fail."

Her words were true and strong, exactly what her old self would say. Exactly what a mother would say. Sebastian nodded and looked into her eyes, the blood red eyes filled with strong-willed hope.

"I know you won't."

And he swiftly turned around without seeing her reaction, he didn't need to. Sebastian knew that _______ was fully capable of protecting herself, and children are no different. That's just how she was.

"I'm not going to say anything."

Claire and Ciel looked at her.

"I won't say anything, nothing at all!" She yelled even more.

Shiro and Charle looked at her, the queen's eyes were blazing.

"Of course."

Sebastian smirked and looked back and smiled as his large cloaked flapped behind, he hadn't heard her determination for quite a while.

"You don't need to say anything at all to me...after all. I've known you long enough for you to bear fruit."

________ blushed slightly, but nodded. Claire and Ciel sweatdropped.

The way he said it though was weird, Charle was confused but somehow, felt something click when her father said that.

"I've known you long enough for you to bear fruit..."

Knowing her father, she turned no blind eye to his speech. Fruit...bear, fruit.

Fruit...was beautiful and in books and literature it represented...


Hail Mary, blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Charle looked up at _________, the two had children?

Is it me?


Sebastian was put in a room, dark and filled with a foul atmosphere.

It was something that didn't feel right, he kept walking forwards as if the room had no end.

"You sick bastard."

Sebastian turns around to see a former student he competed with during his first contracts as the start of his new rebirth.

"You killed your contractor, its against the rules."

Sebastian smirked "Since when did demons ever play by rules..."

Without looking back the demon prince walked forward.

"You failed me."

In front of him was Kurai, he glared spitefully, Sebastian glared back.

"You killed me."

"It was all I could have ever done."


"You've lost sanity then, hunger tore away at you."

"You left me like that!"

"This isn't you. You should be peacefully resting in a nirvana with Rozū."

So the shadowy image of his friend disappeared, but it felt like a stone dropping in his stomach.

"Him a prince?"

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