Chapter Eleven

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"Wes? Babe, why aren't you dressed? The party started like twenty minutes ago and you know how Audrey is when we show up to her events late." I said, stepping out into the bedroom. Wes was still dressed in gym shorts and a t-shirt, looking completely clueless, as he walked around the room looking for...something?

"Yeah I know, but I'm not going. Prince is running a slight fever and I think his ear infection is back, because he keeps tugging at his ear." He sighed. As if he knew we were talking about him, Prince comes running into the room, crying and tugging at his ear. I picked him up and placed my hands on his forehead, noticing that he was indeed warm, and he shoved my hand away.

"Don't be a brat because you're sick." I rubbed his back, which calmed him down a bit, as I carried him into the kitchen. 

"Is Prince okay?" Kynlee asked, coming into the kitchen. "He's been running around the house, crying for about twenty minutes now."

"He has a slight fever and an ear infection. Here...grab him really quick." I said, handing him to her. She grabbed him and continued rubbing his back, while I grabbed his ear drops and medicine.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Wes huffed, walking into the kitchen. "I've been looking for his medicine for the last twenty minutes!"

"And you didn't think to look in the medicine cabinet?"

"Well I put it in his backpack earlier, along with his allergy medicine, because we went to the park for an hour and I brought it with me just in case." I gave Prince his medicine and placed a couple of drops of his ear drop medicine in his ears, before Wes grabbed him and rubbed his back. "How long are you gonna be gone for? I hate that I can't be there. Especially when you know who will be there."

"Who's you know who?" Kynlee questioned. I glared at Wes, who opened his mouth to speak, but instead just turned and walked off.

"Wow really?" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes. Of course he'd leave me to answer a question that he probably purposely let slip.

"Is there something you aren't telling us?"

"There's a lot I'm not telling you, which...I should've said something earlier, but I got sidetracked. Can you get your brother? There's something you two should know." She nodded her head, pulling her phone out of her clutch purse, and quickly typed away on her phone.

"Here he comes." She said. Moments later, Kyron strolled into the kitchen, looking so handsome in his dark, navy blue Armani suit. God, he looked so much like his Dad.

"I know what you both are thinking, I know. Dang, he looks good in a suit!" He said, striking a pose. That arrogance...yeah, he definitely got that from me.

"Ew. Please."


"Okay you two, knock it off." I said, taking a deep breath. "Okay, I should've told you guys this earlier, but I got sidetracked. So the thing is...the people that's hosting your Aunt Audrey and Uncle Elliot's party tonight, just so happens to also be your grandparents. Your birth dad's parents." They both looked at each other, before looking back at me, their expressions unreadable.

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