Sherlock Under Arrest?

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*Knock knock*

*Knock knock knock*


What a lively bunch. Banging someone's door at this hour. "I'll go get it." Sherlock is too absorbed reading the newspaper to hear me. I opened the door and sees a bunch of people in uniforms.

"Pardon us Mr Hadrian, is Sherlock Holmes here?"

"For almost breaking my door, may I at least ask why? I won't answer if you say otherwise."

"Tch! Just answer our question-!"*Bam!* The leader of this group smacked his subordinate's head.

"Forgive us Mr Hadrian, he's new and still lack of manners it seems. I will discipline him thoroughly after this." As soon as he said that, the arrogant subordinate flinched. "Mr Holmes is suspected to be a killer." The leader said straight to the point.

Ah I see, it's this plot. "Do you have any proof?"

"The victim left a message with blood that written 'SHERLOCK' "

"Eeeeh? That's it? Is the victim the only person who could write in London? Have you not thought what if the real murderer wrote Sherlock's name instead?"

He nodded at my remark. "You have the point there, however, we were told to bring Sherlock at any cost. I apologize."

I patted his shoulder and smiled kindly. " I understand. Still, Sherlock can free himself if he can prove that he's not guilty, can he?"

The leader nodded. "That might be possible Mr Hadrian. We will provide support whenever possible." The support he offer is not an illegal one, if you view from the aspects of logic. Seriously, who is that guy again who wanted to imprison Sherlock so bad? Ah... He's too trashy that even my brain refuse to remember his name. Should I pull some strings to eliminate him? If so, then who should I replace him with? Hmm... No no no, this is not my kind of game.

"Wha- leader! This is not something we should talk with a citizen-!" *BAM!" His face is flat. I'm telling you, it's FLAT. I think I still need to get used of this anime logic. At least it is less frustrating than trying to tolerate Minecraft logic.

"Mr Hadrian is an exception. He is someone who Mycroft Holmes praised highly." Yeah, thank you for spreading my good deeds. Oh how funny their expressions would be if  I told them how many people I've killed so far.

"Come in then." I welcomed them in and guide them to where Sherlock is.

"Sherlock Holmes, you're under arrest until your suspicion had been cleared." The leader hand-cuffed Sherlock.

"Huh? For what?"

"Now now Sherly, to put it simple, you got a new case! And the funny thing is your client is you! Hahahaha! My stomach can't handle this- Hahahahaha!" I managed to make that irkmark appear on Sherlock's head. Anime logic daily challenge completed.

Sherlock then smirked but his face is still annoyed. "Then you should come too, right? Since I stayed with you during the murder time. If not as a witness, they might accuse you for being my accomplice, no?" Oho I see. You want to drag me with you?

But I don't wanna~

"But that guy only wrote one name and it is yours. How can it possibly have anything to do with me?"

"And how did you knpw that?"

"It's a payment for almost breaking my door." I gestured my finger to the police officers and to my door which is on the verge of collapsing.

"Almost?" Sherlock loomed at the door with blank expression.

I pushed his back "Tick Tock time is ticking Sherly! You will be late for your play! You are the main character after all! Don't forget to fetch Dr Watson!" I am not afraid to say these absurd things. For the people who values logic like Sherlock or even any human in this realm will never know that this whole world is just an anime. Other world? That idea itself seems stupid if they did not experience it themselves. I lean closer to his ear. "That man has his eyes on you." My message is short but that hint is enough to alarm him.

"How did you-"

"Good luck escaping Sherly~" I cut him off and shut the door. I'll buy a new door later. That workshop isn't that far.

Just when I'm a few steps away from the door, someone dealt with the final blow. My door's HP dropped to zero and the wooden parts scattered all over the floor.

I raise both of my arms and the assaulter started to tie me. This is... Kidnapping I guess? So this is how they kidnap people in those days? I'm not impressed.

"Be quite if you treasure your life." Ah geez, do you know that you're the one who's made the loudest sound? Whatever, lets meet his client and then decide whether or not to kill them.

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