Description of you:

17.9K 340 564

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Hero name: (H/N)

Quirk: Cat, you have all of the abilities of a cat, such as agility, stealth, and an uncanny ability to land on your feet. You are also able to transform into a cat of any appearance, including big cats like lions. In human form, you have ears and a tail corresponding to whatever cat you most recently transformed into. Shifting into a cat for too long will result in dizziness, a temporary loss of short term memory and unclear thought making you act as confused as a new born baby.

When you were young, the only home you knew was with your foster parents. You were put into the foster care system when you were born as your mother died in childbirth and your father admitted he wasn't in the right financial state to care for a baby, later dying of unknown reasons.

There were three other children in the household and you could stand there company until and argument began between them, them you would cuddle with your foster parents and nap. You loved your foster parents equally and enjoyed their company most.

People told you you acted like a cat. This meant you were lazy, never paying attention, and the living embodiment of sass. You weren't the biggest fan of people, preferring to sneak away in cat form and sit with your foster parents or sleep somewhere. You weren't exactly the best behaved child.

But when you were 5 years old, karma snuck up on you.

One night, while you were sound asleep, the sound of a window being smashed woke you and you opened to see a masked figure creep through. You stopped yourself from screaming when the figure turned to you and pulled out a gun. You allowed yourself to get dragged to the top of the stairs by this person and looked down at your carers who were watching a gun get placed by your head.

There screaming between them of demands and compromised, but you weren't listening. Suddenly, you felt an immense pain in your left ear when the robber fired a warning shot right next to your ear. All you could hear was a ringing in your ears and your deafening heartbeat. Suddenly, all went quiet as a thud was heard behind you. You turned, tears silently falling down your cheeks and warm blood creeping down your neck, to see a pro hero. The rest of the night was a blur as you could only focus on one thing: your new dream to be a hero.

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