Hallowmas In Haddonfield 1/2

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{The date is December 25th 1979. A new weather had came to the one town that only had the unfaithful conditions of rain and clouds, never any surprising forecasts}


Early hours of the morning, snow was falling afloats onto everything. Nobody is awake. Nobody except for The Boogeyman! HE barely ever sleeps unless recovering from fatal injuries, resting.

HE was there, at the window watching as the white sprinkles landed, coating it all like a burying ground. It was new. Never had it.

Was around 5am and temperatures were well below zero, slightly windy, and the coldness HE began to feel on HIS hands, HIS house was receiving the effect.


Whatever was forming out in the world right now -- this very minute, was really sly.
I stood before my bedroom glass and stared to how and what it was turning into.
Just everything was the colour of my mask today. No clue what this day is? I'm seeing multiple coloured dots on lampposts, many houses, even trees on this road.

The stuff is hitting my house balcony just below where I'm at. I turn and went to Judith's room, it was very freezing as I got to the doorway, and there was a shattered damage in the top right window! Something had caused it!? Something that hanging 'n' swinging by the glass debris and it looked sharp.

I moved further in to get a closer inspect on the item, tilting my head to the side with major stiff pacing on trying to think what it is but mist had clouded a portion of the windows from the inside and out.

My Mind: "The only way I was going to find out is to go out there"

I knew what must be done, as I look at the left one. It was the only side that was not smashed' in risk of the whole glass piece going' so... I reach for the lower handle and yank it lightly, it doesn't open, I try again with the bit more effort and still no opening made! I wondered why and then put some more strength for a bit longer of pry attempt 'n' suddenly -- I hear an object drop as it opened and some strong wind blowing out there. It hit my fingers while I held the handle to continue giving myself a fully open way out.
When succeeded I vault through it...
(Just like in a survival horror game of Dead by Daylight)
My boots print the whiteness that I now stand on. The gushes were having this coat my mask and was really close to knocking me off onto my lawn but my resistance was much more tolerant against it and I kept straight then seen the loose piece of drain pipe that had either broken or just came loose somewhen?! I grab it and detach from the flab then toss it inside the bedroom. I see the skin of my hands were getting red...like blood near enough, yet numb where I couldn't feel function moves of my fingers at all. I poke a hole in this and stays on my tip.


Michael was very clueless to what was going on, and didn't get really effected by the icy conditions on HIMSELF.

Daylight was brightening up the surrounds, giving Michael the point to get back through to being out of sight from any pedestrians roaming around. HE closes the window up again and waits for anyone to appear, as usually they do.

[Across The Town Some Beauty Eyes Arise To The Morning]


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