Back Again To See (Lemon #2)

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(Michael hadn't arrived yet.)


Eliza was getting ready to go short term need shopping, coating up, slipping her footwear on just as the next row of costumed kids came knocking on the door with Hawkins doing duty watch from his car.

The officer was attentioned on Eliza as she opened the door with a bright, glistering smile and a box of goodie treats for them, and only because he was starting to get emotional attributes towards her in loving way from protecting and looking after her and Joanna; who was deeply depressed from the night that had came and the one person she missed isn't around to comfort or give her the attention she wanted and had been moody for the last few days. Nobody could get the reason out of why she was like that...!?


I was just clothing up to keep warm while going out, putting on my grey cardigan sweater, red jean pants, light brown slip-on shoes and coat when hearing the door bell ring and just didn't even need to think who is outside it; treat or treaters.
I trotted towards the door, gathered the crate of Haribos variations, lollipops, drumsticks chews, some sours, and some dark, white and milk chocolates.
Opening up I seen a little female vampire, a devil boy, 2 fairy's and a skeleton. Seeing as that I've been attending a bunch of Halloweens I had gotten use to the costume effects etc, so I acted all scared and frightened of the efforts to have them feel happy about 'em.

Costumed Kids: "TRICK OR TREAT!"

I smiled with following friendly words "Happy Halloween. I love your costumes! I use to dress up like a fairy myself for this" placing at least 2 items in each bag and bucket they were holding and waved while they left to go to the next house.

I go back inside to shut the door and keep it warm and cozy for when I return back here after the shopping. I call out upstairs from the bottom step for Joanna to see if she is tagging along with me "You coming to do the shopping with me?" She doesn't say anything and I had come to notice her being this very quiet lately. Not eating or talking and I wondered why in my head...

Eliza's Thoughts; "She started being like this almost 3 days ago. It's Halloween as well! Maybe she's all spooken up from last year's incident with that guy? I have no guilt that I saved her from a tragic crusade such as that. Probably worried that HE will come for her, again but that won't happen! HE'S back in captivity or dead now! Has to be!?"

I go up and see what she is up to, her innovation of handling herself even from being unable to see anything was very surprising too! She had been getting to her bathroom without my help, washing without my help and had started trying relaxing meditation before sleeping every night as well. But why? Something had changed her! It's like... Her innocence being taken away had gotten her more self thinking and plan worthy or something?! Peeping around the doorframe I see her sitting there, just.. facing her mirror with her eyes shut, not making one move.

I tried getting her attention by repeating my question and she again...either ignored me or was deep in her own thoughts right now to not acknowledge my voice? I take a step into her room and wait for anything to happen. It doesn't. I say her name a third time... Being the volume of a bloody murder scream transforming into a shout, and it actually gets eyes lids to flip open but still 'not a word' is said.


Well... Halloween is back and since last year's season of what I got to have and experience had boosted my self-confidence in doing things myself again.
The amount of motivation it instilled within me was remarkable to doing it all, like my life was normal even though it wasn't because of my eyes, but that didn't stop me from trying to do new tryouts.

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