Growing Mind Of The Boogeyman's Daughter 3/3

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Mikaela was dropped off at the school gates at 8:40am by Kirsty/Her Grandmother - Who had took the responsibility in taking care of her while the mother gets some fun life time with her companions that are crossed for to be her friends, and only friends; Laurie 'n' Eliza and they've had her go on about the star of that show a lot lately, so they cooped up a surprise that'll blow her mind into smithereen fuzz state!

Not every one of the school days are smiling ones.
Only for the non-anxious kids. The one's that tell themselves they're normal just to get along all the others who claim to be cool or want to bully!
With Mikaela -- She is not normal, and wants to be. She does have friends now, but they're threatened to make a choice - be her friend or be terrorised by a one Jolyne Elamm and her friends.


Quite recently, some days have been good to me.

After coming to this school I was treated well fairly and politely, hooked up to 2 new  friends... Melissa and Carey. They had silly humours of their own but who doesn't?!

They had a passion for arts but I never seemed social and found a lonesome spot over by a tree where I could sometimes be alone with my thoughts and with myself when they were on a different break than me.

I met up with them right after saying "bye" to my Nan, a rendezvous at one of the benches. A departure to separate all the worsening from the inspiring...
And gotta love their enthusiasm, to chop most of being constant on wanting to enjoy every hour of each and every day during the times of when here. Much better than how I handle them!

Just before lunch time, while sat in Miss Fort's class at the back table in the far corner by the window.. I was trying to concentrate and suppress any sidetractions but whenever was doing my best my eyes would curtain fold with a head drop to my..desk and in my closed off darknesses of shutting down I did not see blank, what I must of imagined or so; is a viewage of outside, of the whole school. Near a tree.

To duplicate that foresight of what I'm seeing, I looked out this window next to me towards that memorising tree that I saw through my shut eyes. When I did...nothing was there.
I close them again to see the same thing but still no known person was by that outside object.

My Mind: *What was I imagining here?*

Just one big circle with that visual spinning  'round it, in my head, and only today have I had seen it. Not just a simple sign I do not think?? But if it kept playing, I may just need to go home..!!


The bell went for her grading classes to reconvene in the outer ground - lunch had come to the clock and Mikaela joined her class out to the corridors and even right out to the playground with them.

The daylight was not embedding to her young pupils from outing them away from the brightness hitting 'em longer than the rest.

She wanders with courageous steps, over to a - family tree - sits down by the base with her packed lunch box and begun devouring a glorious munch of a sandwich that was fixed together by her grandparent mother that she knew what's a child's favourite. And in the point of while she ate it enjoyably the way any kid would -- is intervened by her box being booted across the grassy porch.

She wanted to ask in what their reason for doing that was, just before she had taken the self liberation in taking actions... It's disturbed by whispering torments of Jolyne! -- In thinking that Mikaela is an easy one to bully!?
She needs to think again...!!!

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