Development In Time 1/2

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The following day was a doozy.

More hotter as the day cycle draws near to summer time.

Michael was the first to wake up this time, the heat upping in raze of 20 degrees right in the morning hours.

Even while half naked, without the jumpsuit on it was still really steaming in temperature.
Getting to HIS feet, Michael attentions those blackest eyes on Joanna lead on her side facing HIS way. Her fine as wine butt poking out from beneath the duvet quilting her nude body. Well... most of it! A whole curvy leg was not covered and HE tags them pupils onto the exposures she has hanging out. Purposely for HIM to see? Only she knows of that..

HIS mind hops back to where HE seen the same thiccness on the mother figure.

It shouldn't be a shocker to HIM, seeing as they relate in near differents. It's a massive giveaway that Joanna has what her mother gave her to match up with features in more place than just one.

Sweat was causing the inside of HIS mask to be very much stuck to HIS face.

HE never plans to take it off, but at this point of roasting HE might need to.

But, will HE?....

HE could see the moisture of hot dehydration soak her cheek, moves stiffly around the bed to her side, scrapes a finger against her wet skin and leaves water trace mark there.

Curious of her scent - HE lifts that same finger up to the mask's nose holes and inhales her essences in, wifting into HIS nostrils it somehow triggers the inevitable within HIS boxers. Such an effect she makes on the Boogeyman is on another lvl entirely!
The tip thrusts passed the waistline to be up against the mid abdomen area.

Eager to grab a hand full of her, it's stopped by voices out the front. Sounded like arguing of a love couple or something?!

Yet again; HE makes HIS way to the window and stalked through the curtains to the sidewalk.
Nobody was going by. Though the voices were still being a blare to penetrate Michael's and anyone else's ears that were living on the street.

HE looked harder, spot a guy coming out of the house dead opposite from HIM.

The guy was letting vulgars out free to all and at his partner, clear that he didn't care for children catching everything he has said and is gonna possibly say too.

HE hates such noise and if HE goes out there, wearing the mask and the usual attire, it'll put some on edges to how HE'S dressed. A lot know of Michael Myers' clothes style and the mask was on TV and is no doubt; in the papers as well.

If HE kills this man, HE'D be doing it like no other just for the sakes doing it...

Michael had some fashioned clothes in the drawers and HE put the coveralls on to the half way point, and then grabs a black t-shirt out to put on. Ties the arms of the coveralls in a knot so they look more casual and there was only the mask left! HE pulls it carefully off.
HIS hair locks dazzle all over the place, but HE decides not going out there without at least; a half to quarter face covering on!

The intellect of HIS came up a way that will work just right - unpocketing the knife, HE takes out another t-shirt - plain white, blank. Cuts a large strip of a triangular shape and puts it over HIS face, from under the chin to the nose bridge below the eyes and ties the directive corners together, just like the knot evened with HIS waist.
Checks how it turned out in the mirror.
Nods to the result in approving it. With how it was done... there was no way it was coming off unless cut from the sides.

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