Join to the Family Tree 1/2-- (Joanna)

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I wouldn't blame any parent to go at a optional decision to avenge bullying with violence and murder, better yet... the eagerness of my hate to make it right, the way Michael has gone to do.. In a feeling drag that I wanna do it too! Go out there and throw hellfire of a blood showering vengeance upon those that bullied my little Cherry Bun at school, maybe even their guardians in whatever?!!!

Holding her to my embrace and trying to settle Mikaela from not a continuous sledge run of tears, the remind of that mask I stitched together in the basement just tunnels me from one braincell to the next and I was failing to ditch it...
Her cries soon shrunk to being an absolute mouse.

She had fallen asleep, from exhausted her system of all this sobbing. I lay her in bed and stroke her fringes out of her eyes with killer side mouthed smirk but... My vision shades into black, where I couldn't see like I was back blinded again and my body had a second controller waiting by as my actions were doing their own thing now.. until; my vision came back, not colourful but strawberry red, seeing that and only a rage setting...most undoubtedly from my anger I have???

I see as myself scatters to the basement and collected the overhead kit from off the table, that mask got all my admiration for it's piece of style. By the next 10 seconds went passed, I pull it complete over my head and hair, comforating the shape and feel of it on my cheek skin then my eyesight returned but functional control didn't.

Wearing this...felt like' not me' but on a different thought, it could much well be!?? My enclosed head in Michael's old mask HE doesn't want, seeing through these holes were hard work! How does HE do it?
I'm better off at taking into ventriloquism than attempting answers out of HIM!

"It'll have to do!"
"I'll rework on it later!" Option Optioning myself to save minutes that I shouldn't waste.

Into my kitchen, I take a stabby tool from the drawer. A pretty big one and not suited for my size but it's impaling status will deeply do fine.....

Urges got me to leave Mikaela by herself. I walked out and locked up behind me, in normal clothes as didn't own any all in ones and HIS won't fit on me at all.

HE'S much taller than I!

I must acquire and steal one from somewhere! What better place to have such luck than a motor garage or station!!!...

Not got any boot role going on my feet to be taller, but perhaps if I can nip some from a girl mechanic?
I came to think; if there is any popularity thing as a woman mechanical expert?

I'm baring to find that out!

No bad occasion can turn on me for this if nobody knows who's under this mask.

Down into the central mid line of this town, brinks of not attracting to get looked at was simple... that there was nobody around to see it or me walk this path to go for what I need' if it was not an absurd belief that I have here.. to thieve a set of coveralls off another woman's body who knows about vehicle repairs as a career. To if I should kill that person? a dependable picture and how easy it'll be to take them..!!

I slip through a shortcut field without a scared hunch that what could come through of the orbital showbiz stroll I'm taking and give harm, and it didn't make me want to turn back.
All the sounds of nature's games to try winning that bet' to have me chicken out and take the long way around 'cus I know there was a presentory location on the far end of this grass platformed area and nothing but questioning lies ahead of guessing I go in further, branches snapping proves not strong to do the work. My own footwear grushing the crunchy surface of dried up grass was what kept me going forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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