More Than One Miracle in One Night

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[Recap - Evil on 2 Legs improvised to being socially friendly to see and spend intimate time with HIS caring soulmate. Until passed dusk HE snugged up to her and discovered a powerful force that only HE can sense - being within her intestinal area. She grew exhausted from multiple love sessions and dropping into a deep sleep while being arm handled up to her bed. So little was thought out up to the point where all the lights were killed giving HIM smarter resource thinking. HE had a hunch... Possibly, a correct one. But now... HE must find out if it's right, by transporting her to HIS house on Lampkin Lane]


Joanna inserted far into such a deep night slumber -- she got no awarence that Michael had loaded her into yet another bridal carry via HIS arms and taken her out into amongst the cold night of winter, latching with a effortless grip onto her torso and curvy thighs, never having to put her down or stop for a break. HE successfully reached the broken down looking household that was once to be a lovely one. HE stood on the entrance path that lead to HIS front door - remembering a similar visual to when HE came home after being at a Halloween party at the house that was directly behind HIM right now and brutalising HIS sister with a really big, sharp kitchen knife. Her yelps of agony and being in pain repeated going through HIS head as HE stalked the very place that her ghostly spirit will perhaps haunt forever!

Flowing a clearance to HIS brain - was in order to silence her and pushed her death scene and noises to the far back of HIS memory slots. HE look at Joanna peacefully snoozing then proceeded to and up the 3 steps, HE kicks open the blockage and goes inside -- becoming one with the orbital environment of the hallway. HIS eyes made the darkness predictable almost straight away to HIMSELF... It's like... HE was the dark that is everywhere!

HE took her up to HIS old bedroom that had nothing in it except a double sized bed that HE stole and put together a couple of nights back along with a memory foamed mattress on it. HE set her on one side, unfortunately... HE had no comfy head resting items - pillows. Neither blankets at the moment. Best HE can give her is HIS own body warmth but, HE didn't do that right this minute! HE officially had things to check on and do before doing so.

HE left her to sleep solo.
Suddenly a white glow beamed from the far cross doorway.

What approached throughout it was a girl. In the looks of a late teen that had long chestnut coloured hair, really thin lips, brown eyes and clothed by a low thigh high night dress. Her hair had loads of split ends. The dress was littered with dozens of tears and rips all over and around her pumper organ and stomach spots. Her skin in the shading of being in a freezer for hours on ends!

Who was this girl?
Why was she there?
What was she?

She stepped steady into the landing at the top of the stairs. Hearing the heavy bootsteps impacting the hallway floorboards 'n' they belonged to no other than her - once - use to be little brother. She is the long time dead sibling of Michael Myers; known as Judith Myers. She roams freely through the place her life was painfully taken in. In her head -- she never has despised HIM stabbing her multiple times 'n' killing her because she knew how much of a careless cow she was towards HIM and assumed that her death had convinced her to enlight a different side that she barely ever shown to anyone, except friends and her mother.
At times, she was quite juvenile and in fact denied that particular compliment' defending and telling that supposably she was instead an angel, which wasn't true... Not one bit true!

Now as a ghost -- she torments her brother, creating sturdiness of how she sounded when being murdered - she hollows it loudly out to anyone who go by the house, having all troublesome kids and teens run to where it's been reputationally going around that the 'Myers House' is haunted from the noises heard when close enough to it, and she is the one that has ignited that reason. All had ran when she'd ever done it... Everyone except her brother. HE obviously don't scare easy and she hardly knew why...

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